Simple ideas to change your mindset

Our mindset is made up of our beliefs, ideas and attitudes. Thinking about our mindset can help us adapt and change it.

Every now and again I catch myself being negative. That little inner voice suggesting I can’t do something or that something is too hard. Recently during my personal tutoring sessions, I have seen this in students as well. I decided to explore a change in mindset, to change the way we look at things. With an open mind and a realisation that this may take some time and effort I looked into how to change.



What can I say to myself?

Instead of…… Try thinking……..
I’m not good at this What is it I am missing
I give up! I’ll use some of the strategies I’ve learned
This is too hard This may take some time and effort
I can’t make this any better I can always improve, I’ll keep trying
I made a mistake Mistakes help me learn and improve
I’ll never be as smart as her I’m going to figure out what she does and try it
It’s good enough Is this really my best work?
I just can’t do this I am going to train my brain
Plan A didn’t work Good thing the alphabet has another 25 letters or There’s always Plan B




And the more I explore this in myself the more I see in colleagues either a fixed mindset or growth mindset, the more I became aware of myself, the more I noticed who I wanted to hang out with.

Characteristics related to a growth mindset and a fixed mindset

Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Resist learning new technologies, oppose change almost instinctively Excited to learn new technologies, embrace change
View setbacks as a reason to give up View setbacks as a challenge to overcome
Simply don’t do things that they determine are too hard Ask for help when they need it
Feel threatened when others succeed, resent having to work with others Collaborate with colleagues, look for ways to ensure everyone’s success and learn from other’s successes
Resent being asked to do anything they view as extra Willing to put in time and effort to succeed
Ignore any negative feedback or criticism Use negative feedback as a way to improve performance
Actively resist any new challenge Constantly seek to improve performance
I feel like feedback is personal I feel like feedback is constructive
My abilities determine everything My effort and attitude determine everything

Imagine being able to create a mindset in students and colleagues that allows growth. People who are not afraid of change, open to new ideas. People who are excited by the possibilities of new tools and technology. People who share a growth mindset.

Oh if only it was that easy. Read a few charts, change the way you think and (if you have an Uncle Bob) Bob’s your uncle! But it’s not easy, change is hard, this is who I am…

Wait…… yes it will take time and effort, I may need some help. But it’s who I want to be, it’s who I want my students to be!


Karl McCormack  BA (Hons), PgCHPE, FHEA

Accounting Awards Course Leader.

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