2015/2016 VSS

The Centre holds a regular series of Visiting Speaker research talks. We invite academics and practitioners working at universities and in a variety of practice-based settings around the UK to present their current research and practice.

These talks enable staff, students and members of the public to be kept up-to-date with research and practice in psychology. The talks are free and no booking is required. We also live tweet from these talks using the #StaffsVSS hashtag. All staff, students, and members of the public are welcome to attend!

For further information about the Visiting Speaker Series please contact:
Dr. Nikki Street
Visiting Speaker Coordinator
Tel: 01782 294672, Email: nichola.street@staffs.ac.uk

2015/2016 Series

Date: Thursday 15th October 2015

Time: 4pm

Room: R001, Science Centre

Dr Sarah Norgate

University of Salford

Making an impact: Service design for school communities

Date: Thursday 5th November 2015

Time: 4pm

Room: R001, Science Centre

Dr Adam Bourne

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Crystal meth, group sex and HIV: Exploring practical applications of health psychology among marginalised populations

Date: Thursday 19th November 2015

Time: 4pm

Room: R001, Science Centre

Dr Sarah Laurence

Keele University

Exploring the role of experience in face recognition

Date: Thursday 28th January 2016

Time: 4.00 – 5.00pm

Room: Ashley Building, Lecture Theatre, LT003

Dr. Paula Smith

University of Bath

There is nothing certain in this life except death and taxes: The role of Health Psychology in death and dying

Date: Thursday 11th February 2016

Time: 4.00 – 5.00pm

Room: Ashley Building, Lecture Theatre, LT003

Dr. Paul Jenkinson

University of Hertfordshire

“From the body to the self: How body signals contribute to self-consciousness”

Date: Thursday 10th March 2016

Time: 4.00 – 5.00pm

Room: Ashley Building, Lecture Theatre, LT003

Dr. Nikki Street & Mark Ware

Staffordshire University

Reflecting Nature: Art and Psychology

Date: Thursday 7th April 2016

Time: 4.00 -5.00pm

Room: Ashley Building, Lecture Theatre, LT003

Dr. Fiona Gillison

University of Bath

“The Role of Health Psychology in fighting the Obesity Epidemic“

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