Launch of INTERREG EUROPE in Bologna (2nd and 3rd December).

IMG_0546audienceMore than 800 people coming from 30 countries attended the launch of the new interregional cooperation programme INTERREG EUROPE in Bologna (Italy) and over 1000 connected online took part in it.

Those present were given the opportunity to share their project ideas at four thematic workshops and numerous networking sessions.

Staffordshire University attended this two-day event, looking at collaboration opportunities with public and private European stakeholders around Research and Innovation. Key contacts were met there, and the relevant information will soon be circulated within the University.

If you missed the event, you can watch the recorded web-streamed part online and have access to the programme and presentations at:

Interreg Europe budget allocation is 359 million Euros for 2014-2020. The first call will be released in April next year. We will soon be posting a new article with the main criteria of the programme.

In the meantime, if you want to know more about Interreg Europe, go to, or contact directly the External Projects Team (Marie Pandolfo or Jose Beech).

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