Latest Edition of Enterprising Times

The latest edition of Enterprising Times is now available for you to view. The edition includes celebration photos at graduation, details of courses available in clearing and lots of upcoming events in the autumn.

Cover of Enterprising Times July-August 2016 edition

This will be the last edition of Enterprising Times in its current format. Enterprising Times was established in 2010 and has covered the activities of the Business School, along with the School of Education and the Law School on a bi-monthly basis. It has also welcomed contributions from outside of the university, leading to plenty of coverage of activity outside of the university, locally, nationally and internationally.

The format has served us and subscribers well but we feel that the time has come to move to more dynamic, mobile-friendly forms of communication and dissemination. This blog represents a key means of communication moving forward, and we also have our Twitter feed and Facebook page. Enterprising Times itself will take on a new look from the autumn. Watch this space!

Staff and students in the Business School and the university as a whole are welcome to contribute to the blog. We are also inviting contributions to the blog from people and organisations external to the university. If you would like to contribute, please e-mail your material to Jon Fairburn (, Tom Ward ( or Louise Robinson (

We look forward to keeping in touch with you via this blog!

Back issues of Enterprising Times will still be available.