What Brexit Means for the Savvy Digital Marketer


Despite a high level of uncertainty surrounding Brexit and just how it will unfold, there is something to be said for just getting on with it. After all, business owners still have to get up every day and look after their business, students still go off to learn and the world is still turning. With so much negativity circling the Brexit outcome, it might be time we looked towards the opportunities it could create too.

It’s true that not many of us were prepared for the referendum result, and many marketing budgets were restricted amid Brexit fears. However, we are all well aware that actually leaving the EU won’t happen for some time; so there’s a definite gap to gain benefits from the situation.Digital Marketing banner and icons

In the panicked environment we currently live in, with constant stories of Brexit talks on the news, there is an opportunity for brands to become a calming voice and a force of reassurance. Despite a climate of unrest, the relationship between consumer and brand can remain stable and maintain a high level of trust, which is something vital to any company’s success.

Brand development on a global scale

There is still just as much chance to grow your brand in light of post-Brexit UK as there was pre-Brexit. With little or no immediate impact, there is a real chance for brands to utilise their digital marketing strategies in a new way. There is an opportunity to up your creativity and prove your worth on a global level, not just within Europe. Creative industries must now demonstrate their value on a wider scale; but this is exciting, not daunting!

With the prospect of leaving the EU a matter of years away, digital marketers can continue to put the needs of their consumers first. Savvy business owners will be looking for a way to turn Brexit into an advantage instead of a setback; driving further success. It is now time to reflect on the ways digital marketing firms engage with their consumers, particularly in regard to financial or economic matters.Business meeting. Marketing strategy

Communication is key

One thing is clear when it comes to the digital marketing industry; brands must place huge importance on open lines of communication. Continuing to communicate and engage is crucial, before you jump to any conclusions or panic about the consequences of Brexit.

The message here? Let’s get to work. Brexit might feel like a bad break up but let’s pick ourselves up and get back out there to show everyone that Brexit won’t break us!

Brexit should hopefully be a wake up call to those in marketing to ensure they truly know their consumers and what matters to them, in order to continue tailoring the best possible marketing experience.

With a vote that divided the country right down the middle, it’s time to evolve targeting methods and introduce more empathetic marketing; there is no room here for a one size fits all approach.

Mark Blackhurst of  Digital Next