Find a student job in England

Mohamed Adesola Adjaou, MSc Digital Marketing Management Student

Are you going to Erasmus in England and would you like to find a student job? Or do you just want to go there for a summer to work? You are in the right place, because throughout this blog, we will cover some good tips for finding a job in England… a unique opportunity to practice English, travel and discover a new way of life!

Have you been wondering since the announcement of Brexit? No worries for now, since the UK’s exit process from the European Union will take a few more years again. Students from the European Union can continue to do their Erasmus year in England and find a student job without the need for a work permit or visa.

No need to remind you that if you want to work in England, you will have to do some of your research from your home country first. The sooner you start, the more likely you are to find something you like! Of course, if you have not found anything before leaving your country, it is also possible to apply for a job directly on the spot.

How to apply?

Remember to write and present your CV so that it is suitable for a country like England. In England, the CV is not presented in the same way as in other countries. To put the odds on your side, it is best to follow the rules of English writing.

For your application, do not hesitate to highlight your level of English as it is to your advantage. But be careful not to lie, because your recruiter will realize quickly! If you do not master English perfectly, do not give up, because there are many opportunities for you as well. For small jobs, it is not your professional experiences or diplomas that will be scrutinized but your personality and your skills.

Where to apply in England?

Would you like to get an idea of ​​which sectors are recruiting the most in England?

Well, we give you some examples of the areas to which you will be most likely to have a chance to see your application accepted:

  1. Catering: Restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes and fast food outlets are constantly looking for staff. Try your luck!
  2. Call centres: very practical if you are not quite comfortable with English since many call centres regularly seek French to make or receive calls with French-speaking countries.
  3. Clothing Stores: If you plan to go to London, the most influential capital of the fashion world, and you love fashion, go to the clothing stores, who are constantly looking for students!
  4. Newspaper / flyer distribution: Are you an early bird? This job is for you. In England, many positions are available to distribute flyers to passers-by in the street or to distribute newspapers in mailboxes.
  5. Home delivery: Most common student job, home delivery of meals (Pizza Hut, Just Eat, Uber Eat), or simply goods purchased via the Internet (UPS), is a sector that is not ready to run out of steam in England.

Useful sites to find a job

You will find many job / job offers on the web. For you a list of sites that could be useful in your research has been prepared, depending on the type of job you are targeting:

Sites to find odd jobs

Sites for a professional job

England: employment agency

Specialized sites for French expatriates: