We see your potential at Staffordshire Business School

Carol Southall, Senior Lecturer at Staffordshire Business School

Kerry Edge, Administrative Assistant Recruitment

For many people, a new year starts in January, but in the academic world we are fast approaching a new ‘academic’ year. It is that time of year when, often following a summer break, people take time to reflect on what is important to them, with family, life and career often being the subject of that reflection. Going back to work post- summer break; receiving summer examination results; or looking for an alternative career path, this is the time when the opportunity to pursue a University education is often considered.

Clearing is an opportunity to make a new choice. Essentially, clearing matches applicants to university places that are yet to be filled. There are many reasons why courses are still available through clearing. It is an opportunity for those who may have changed their mind about where or what they want to study, it’s an opportunity for those who have missed their conditions and it’s also an opportunity for those who, on reflection, realise that the path to their chosen career lies in higher education.

The key message is that it is never too late to apply for university.

At Staffordshire Business School we understand the importance of making the right decision. We work hard to inspire you to be creative in your thinking, international in your outlook and innovative and entrepreneurial in your actions. Connecting with business, the creative and cultural sector and communities to address challenges in a time of change, we encourage our students to make a difference through innovative and transformational ideas.

For more information on the courses at Staffordshire Business School click here:

Our friendly clearing team is available now to offer advice and guidance.
Call us on 0800 590 830 or visit www.staffs.ac.uk/clearing

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