Staffordshire University Digital Expo 24th October 2023

Organizers Fay Hutchinson (Careers) and Prof Jon Fairburn

Digital marketing is booming in the UK, a reflection of the UK being the largest ecommerce economy in Europe (2.5 times larger than Germany). The UK also has the highest population share that buy goods online at 87%.

Many digital marketing firms are expanding overseas and there is tough competition to secure workers.

The Expo will include the following:

  • Stands and exhibits
  • Guest talks from academics on a range of digital marketing topics
  • Panels of experts
  • A chance to hear about our courses, especially the work placement elements
  • Insights from local digital marketing companies
  • Talks from a past student on their work placements

If you are a business or organisation that wishes to exhibit (free), give a talk on a topic, take part in a panel or talk about the opportunities you have then please sign up on this link asap. This opportunity is open to any organisation that uses digital marketing (not just digital marketing companies). Talks should aim for between 10-20 mins.


3-6pm Tues 24th October

Catalyst Building, Leek Road, Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent ST4 2DF


3.15 ’AI and Social Media Marketing’’ with Dr Joe Hazzam

3.35 ‘Working on Digital Marketing at Middleport Pottery’ with Tselmeg Bat-Erdene (who completed her placement at the pottery) and Louise Bartley (Marketing and Comms Manager for Middleport Pottery

4.00 ‘Network branding in SME’S’ with Vicky Roberts

4.20  Panel discussion ‘Trends and developments in digital marketing’ with Craig Holdcroft, Vicky Roberts and Paul Dobson

4.50 Developing the marketing plan for a research institute with Stella Godwin (who completed her placement at the institute) – will include details of this year’s opportunity for a placement

5.10    Using Generative AI with SME’s (the basics of  getting going) with  Craig Holdcroft

5.30 Work placements on the MSc Digital Marketing Management by Prof Jon Fairburn – for businesses or organisations that would like to know more about hosting a work-placement

Courses and training

At Staffordshire University we offer undergraduate, post graduate and professional courses in Digital Marketing

Placements and live briefs

Example of a recent digital marketing placement at Middleport Pottery

Examples of other digital marketing placements


Paul Dobson – Award Leader for the MSc in Digital Marketing Management

Dr Joe Hazzam – Award Leader for the BA Digital and Social Media Marketing

Kat Mitchell – Award leader for the CIM diploma in Digital Marketing

Craig Holdcroft – Digital marketing

Vicky Roberts – Branding

David Cook – Value creation and branding

Jon Fairburn – Work placements

Any comments or questions please email Fay Hutchinson (logistics) or Jon Fairburn (content)

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