Workshops (free and in person) – Training in the use of AI for PGR and PGT researchers

A cross university team has won a grant from Advance HE (read more here). The first set of workshops for the project are now available to be booked.

Participants can sign up to 1-5 workshops depending on their needs.

Link to eventbrite here

Workshop 1- An introduction to AI by Craig Holdcroft Lecturer in Business and Digital Marketing, Business School – Weds 21st Feb 1.00-3.00

Workshop 2 – How to use AI for your Literature review and synthesis by Dr Jane Wellens, Head of the Graduate School – Weds 28th Feb 1.00-3.00

Workshop 3 – Reviewing and repurposing your research for different audiences with Prof Jon Fairburn, Business School – Weds 6th Mar 1.00-3.00

Workshop 4 – Using AI to provide research career support with Gary McNally, Research Training Manager, Research Impact and innovation Service – Weds 13th Mar 1.00-3.00

Workshop 5 Qualitative skills and AI with Dr Jane Wellens, Head of the Graduate School – weds 20th March 1.00-3.00

All sessions in R312 Science Centre Leek Road, Staffordshire University