New – Index of Multiple Environmental Deprivation

A new prototype Index of Multiple Environmental Deprivation (IMED) has been developed by staff from Friends of the Earth, Natural England, Environment Agency, DEFRA, University of Leeds and University of Staffordshire as part of the Environmental Data Network.

Mike Childs (FOE) & Joe Swift (Environment Agency) coordinated the group.Prof Jon Fairburn of the University of Staffordshire was part of the working group.

The recording of the webinar is here. It includes a presentation by:

  • Joe Swift from the Environment Agency on why we have done this work (from 4 mins 20 secs),
  • from Gordon Mitchell at the University of Leeds on how an IMED could be used (from 18 mins 25 secs),
  • from Toby Bridgeman at Friends of the Earth talking through the prototype (from 31 mins 03 secs),
  • a discussion facilitated by Karen Mullen from DEFRA (from 1 hour 00 mins 42 secs).

We are particularly seeking feedback on:

  • The potential usefulness of such a tool – would it be useful for you, and if so, how?
  • Which indicators to use – should we replace or add to any of the indicators we have used?
  • The methodology used for the indicators and domains – can you suggest a better approach?
  • Would you be interested in developing the next version? And if so, would that be a) through dedicating time to discussions or analysis, or b) through being on a wider consultative group, or c) in some other way.
  • Do you know of any funding sources that might want to support this collaborative project?

But do please share any thoughts you have!

You can do this by emailing or through joining the Multiple Environmental Deprivation Group on the Environmental Data Network.