Forensic Advice Clinic

Whether you are a solicitor, police officer, or a member of the public, the Staffordshire University Forensic Advice Clinic can offer you free initial advice on any forensic science related matter. The initial advice will always be free; however, some of the subsequent recommendations (if acted upon) may incur a charge. A quote will always be given and clear approval sought before being actioned.
The Forensic Advice Clinic provides a contribution to society and allows forensic science services to be more accessible to everyone. It also exposes the Law, Policing and Forensics students at Staffordshire University to real case work and helps them to gain relevant experience prior to graduation, thus becoming more employable.

If you are a solicitor:

If you have a case and are struggling with financial support for your client, or wish to seek advice before applying for financial support, then we can offer a service whereby our forensic science students can review your case and come up with a series of recommendations. All work is reviewed by our extensive network of forensic science practitioner experts and academics, thus ensuring that your advice is robust and relevant.

If you are a police officer or other investigating officer:

If you have a particular challenge, then we offer a service where our forensic science students can review your cases and conduct a literature review and offer a number of potential options. All work is reviewed by our extensive network of forensic science practitioner experts and academics, thus ensuring that your advice is robust and relevant.

If you are a member of public:

If you have a question about forensic evidence, for example, you may have been subject to a charge as a result of forensic evidence, we can go through this with you and help you understand the scientific nature of the evidence used against you. In addition, if you feel that the forensic science evidence used against was incorrect or should be challenged, we can go through this with you – although we strongly recommend that you do this via a solicitor. All work is reviewed by our extensive network of forensic science practitioner experts and academics, thus ensuring that your advice is robust and relevant.


The principal advisors are the students who are currently in their final year of their Forensic Science or Forensic Investigations degree at Staffordshire University. All students will have successfully completed three years of forensic science education before undertaking this role. They do this as part of their final year module and the quality of their advice and their professionalism contributes to their grade.

All advice and recommendations are double checked by a member of academic staff or a member of our professional network – all of whom have practitioner experience.

Where we offer a chargeable service – this will primarily be carried out by a member of staff, and supported by the student advisor.


Professor Graham Williams – Professor of Forensic Biology and Director of the Forensic Advice Clinic – DNA, body fluids, bloodstain pattern analysis, clothing damage analysis

Professor Claire Gwinnett – Professor of Forensic and Environmental Sciences – Fibres, hair, and trace evidence

Dr Andy Platt – Associate Professor for the School of Law, Policing and Forensics – Document and handwriting analysis

If you require help from the Clinic, fill out the Enquiry Form here:

Or contact: