Residency Opportunity for Artists

Fine Art- Cadman Gallery Residency


What: A residency based in our Cadman Gallery which is situated in the heart of our Fine Art Department, at Staffordshire University. We will offer you the space and time to develop an ambitious project in the space and share your skills and knowledge with our Fine Art students via a hands on practical workshop and Artist Talk. The Gallery is approximately 5×5.5 Meters with a working height of 3.5 meters. You will have access Monday- Friday 8am-7pm and be given a swipe card so you can access the gallery at your own convenience.

Who: A practitioner who wants to realise a new project/work and needs the space and time to do so. You will be self-sufficient and able to work without assistance. We will do a basic studio protocol induction which will enable you to use tools and equipment in the space.

When: 21th March – 8th April. You will also show the outcome of your residency alongside our first year Fine Art Students in an Exhibition opening on the evening of the 6th April. This often attracts up to 400 visitors so offers an ideal opportunity to showcase your work.

Fee: The selected artist will be paid a fee of £400 towards the costs of the residency. This can be used for transport/materials etc.

Deadline: 12pm 10th March 2017

Submissions: Please up-load a collated application into one downloadable PDF to a file sharing website ( such as wetranfer/dropbox etc)  containing the information below and email the link to the residency coordinator Michael Branthwaite (Senior Lecturer/ Fine Art) please include’ Cadman 2017’ in the subject of your email.


Or Anna Francis (Associate Professor Fine Art)


–        1 page CV

–        A 250 Word Residency Plan stating why this opportunity would be suitable for you and your practice as well as what you intend to do during your time with us.

–        Up-to 5 images (72dpi) that represent your practice or a web-site link

–        If applicable, you may also send up-to 5 images (72dpi) that give a visualisation of what you are proposing to do on the residency.

2 thoughts on “Residency Opportunity for Artists

    • Hallo Tim, yes we hope to make this a yearly thing – this is the second year we have been able to run the residency in this format, but we ran an aa2a residnecy for a few years before that.

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