Travel Health Advice

I am a senior lecturer in nursing with a special interest in travel health, though sadly I am not in a position to give individual advice here is a timely reminder for you all students and colleagues alike.

June is upon us and many of you may be thinking of what you will be doing with your holiday time. Remember if you are heading away from UK shores it is advisable to seek travel health advice six weeks before travel.   Book your appointment with your practice nurse soon, you may even need to consult a specialist travel clinic.   Some vaccinations are free but others will cost you – remember to factor this into the cost of your holiday. You can find out information about vaccinations and the many other health and safety risks you may encounter on holiday – some may affect you in the UK as well as abroad – by looking at the following websites:

Two thinks to remember:

  1. In Europe the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is only valid for five years and will only cover for emergency treatment of the level provided to citizens of the country you are in so additional travel insurance is essential as for places beyond Europe.
  2. Vaccination only protects you against 5-10% of potential health related risks, our behaviour is responsible for the other 90-95% consider what you do, take care with food, water, alcohol, sexual activity, general activities, using locally hired equipment and vehicles as there is always a potential risk.

Finally just to say don’t forget to enjoy yourself and return safely.

Sharon Graham, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing,