From Adult Nursing Student to Graduate

I started my Adult Nursing degree course at Staffordshire University in 2013.

The lecturers, as experienced nurses, were knowledgeable and supportive so I felt prepared for my first placement which was in a community hospital.

On that first placement, and then in the variety of other clinical areas I experienced (theatres, wards, GP practice & District Nursing) I was supported by lecturers, tutors and clinical mentors to develop my nursing skills and seize learning opportunities.

Between time spent at University and on clinical placements, it was definitely busy – but hugely rewarding! As a Student Nurse you’re in a unique position with a lot of patient contact and so you are able to get a direct insight into what nursing is all about. After spending so much time together during during the course, I’ve also made some lifelong friends.

When it came time to choosing where I would like to work once I qualified, I had a difficult time deciding as I had had such good experiences in all of my placements. I qualified in 2016 and my first job was as a Staff Nurse in the Emergency Department. Although it’s challenging at times, it’s a great place to work, there’s really nowhere like it. That led me on to my current role as an Acute Kidney Injury & Sepsis Nurse. Each day brings new opportunities to enhance patient care – I’m really enjoying it!

Clare Donnelly, Graduate Nurse