From Staffs Gradaute to Senior Infection Prevention and Control Nurse

I graduated from Staffordshire University with a degree in adult nursing in 2013.

The three year course flew by with 50% theory at the University and 50% practice placements. Throughout my time there, I felt highly supported by engaging, experienced and passionate nursing lecturers. The faculty of health skills labs provided a comfortable environment for practicing new clinical skills for the first time in preparedness for placement. The university work very closely with different placement areas and provided a great combination of experiences for me towards my transition to becoming a registered nurse.

Since becoming a registered nurse, I have progressed within the specialist field of Infection Prevention and Control; I am currently working as a senior Infection Prevention and Control nurse for acute and community services. I love my role, no two days are the same and I get to work with a variety of staff towards delivering high quality patient care with a vision that no person is harmed be a preventable infection.

The teaching of skills and core nursing values at Staffordshire University set a high standard and on reflection have contributed towards the way I work and teach in my role to colleagues and students. The skills labs inspired me to develop practical teaching sessions in infection prevention which I won an award for as a new Infection Prevention and Control nurse. Along with my team colleagues we have also been shortlisted for National awards in Infection prevention.

I’ve had the honour of returning to the university’s centre of excellence as a guest lecturer teaching on the pre-registration nursing degree. I’m in disbelief at what has been achieved in the last 5 years of my nursing career and I feel so grateful that it all started at Staffs.

Amy Basford, BSc Adult Nursing Graduate, Staffordshire University