A Paramedic Lecturer at Staffs is Driving Health Promotion on Campus

These bikes started as part of my leadership module where I wanted to introduce a change. I have a keen interest in health and fitness going back to my BSc in sports science, so I looked at an area of health currently overlooked within the School and wider NHS. Getting inspiration from a recent BBC documentary on the truth about getting fit I came across the idea of exercise bike located within the school at a fitness tool. Based on short duration Height intensity interval training (HIIT) that could be done while staff and students are in the building and that required minimal time or preparation.

I was able to discuss this with our School’s Dean, Ann Ewens and colleauges from Universitys campus life, and the Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre in Stoke who provided the bikes. My aim now is to monitor how much these bike are used and what benefits they are providing. Ultimately removing the excuses form why we don’t do enough exercise when all we need is a few minutes 3 times a week.

Mickie Donnelly, Paramedic Lecturer