Professional Health & Social Care Workshops

 New dates for our workshops and training courses have just been added to our website and places are available to book now!

The aim is to make a positive difference to the quality of patient care as well as enhancing the personal and professional development of health and social care staff.


Cervical Cytology Initial Training – Sample takers initial training is delivered over one day followed by half a day six months later and is designed for any qualified registered health care professional who will undertake cervical sampling as part of their employed role.

Cervical Sampler update – is an intensive half day workshop aimed at Registered Nurses and Doctors who are cervical sample takers.

Travel Health sessions – Updates and intensive full day sessions available for those who work in a primary care setting

Immunisation sessions – Intensive two day course which delivers a basic introduction and also available a half day session to update registered nurses who regularly immunise patients

Ear Care workshop – Intensive full day course aimed at Registered Nurses and Health Care Support Workers … last course for 2017 in October – places available

Vaccination – two day training course aimed at those who are new to Vaccination against influenza, pneumonia and or shingles. Only one course running in July/August 2017 – places available

… to find out more information and to book your place on all the above

click on this link now:-