My experience as a student Mental Health Nurse at March 2017

As a student mental health nurse like many other students as soon as I received my acceptance to university the nerves commenced. It was so very hard to believe I was going to be a student nurse and even better it was at staffs, my chosen university. I was overjoyed and equally nervous at the same time. I since had studied psychology and public health at the open university so the delivery was very different as a self-directed degree.

March was soon upon us and welcome week arrived. The first day the nerves hit. Those butterflies in your tummy like your first day of school again. Yet the university were so welcoming. You knew exactly where to go and we all sat to have our warm welcome to university. The week went in a blur. There was so much to take in and it was made enjoyable, from a vicar who sang us a memorable song to get over university blues right through to services to access for support and the layout of our year. At the beginning of my course I did personally need to access support and the support services were incredible. We all felt greatly informed during our welcome week and so grateful to be studying at staffs.

We soon made good connections and warmed to our peers and we felt that we had brilliant welcome to the university. After our first week we were looking forward to lectures and getting in to our course content. Lecturers were approachable and understanding and above all the are eager for interaction which I think plays an important part to study. Every day is different and the content is always well delivered to us. We have excellent IT facilities and support readily available which is of great use and even better we have the most fabulous cafe when we are work free and need to get that much needed hot chocolate. There are rooms to book for private study and that important assignment planning.

Personally speaking I can’t rate the university highly enough. Everyone wants you to succeed and helps you along the way be this emotionally and clinically. There is always a smile to greet you and a humour alongside the serious nature to our work. I look forward to a fantastic three years ahead in my mental health nursing degree and I’ve even felt inspired to do my masters. I feel a valued member of the university and I am so very glad I chose staffs. I will certainly be recommending.

Published by Lisa Beeston, Senior Lecture, Department of Nursing: