About ASHRAF Maqsoodah

I was employed by Lancashire County Council as a Qualified Social Worker for many years. I have worked with all service user groups and many health and social care organisations. I then worked towards a career change into teaching and worked in a Further Education College in partnership with a local University. As Programme Leader I managed the Access to H.E. Diploma Social Work and Education and the B.A. Social Work Degree. (Year 1). I came to Staffordshire University in March 2016, Lecturer Social Welfare. I have been Award Leader for CMAP since April 2016

Service-user and Carer Group Involvement in Social Work Programmes Academic Year 2016/17

Social Work Programmes at Staffordshire University

The University offers a range of social work programmes at both pre-qualifying and post-qualifying levels. We deliver a BA (Hons) Social Work; this is a qualifying undergraduate degree, available as full time or part time. The full time route is delivered at Stoke; the part time students attend Lichfield Campus. The undergraduate programme reflects the recommendations of the Social Work Reform Board, the professional regulator (Health and Care Professions Council: HCPC) and the implementation of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF). The BA programme was approved by the HCPC in 2015.

For more information about the Health and Care Professions click on the link below: http://www.hcpc-uk.org.uk

Range of Involvement

Service-user and Carer involvement in social work education is essential to the quality of our courses and experience of our students. This includes involvement in assessing the calibre of entrants via admissions processes, teaching skills based work, curriculum development and assessment. Members of the group are therefore involved in a range of activities; this includes sitting on admissions interview panels, facilitating group discussions, developing communication skills via role- play work and involvement in assessing student presentations. Members are also involved in validation processes, fitness to practice procedures and research activity. Members can be involved in all these activities, or may prefer to be involved in just one area of work.

Throughout the academic year the service-user and carer group meet to confirm involvement, contribute to the evaluation and development of involvement across the social work programmes, and discuss training needs. These meetings are chaired by Maqsoodah Ashraf and take place approximately every two months.

Service Users and Carers at their meeting on Wednesday 7th June 2017.

Service Users and Carers discussing and developing written social work based scenario’s.

Thank you everyone for all your hard work and will see you all at the next meeting on Wednesday 16th August 2017

Maqsoodah Ashraf, Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care, Maqsoodah.Ashraf@staffs.ac.uk












Certificate in Money Advice Practice (CMAP)

  • CertMAP delivered online through a partnership with Staffordshire university and the Institute of Money Advisors (IMA)
  • 150 hours of study over a 12 week period.
  • To pass CertMAP you need to score 70% in the end of course exam.
  • This is to ensure those that do pass have the expertise necessary for the role of a caseworker/specialist levels.
  • CertMAP is a Higher Education qualification at level 4 (first year degree equivalent.)
  • Students do benefit from tutor support provided by the university.

The entry requirements are:

  • 1 year current full-time experience in a money advice role (or part-time equivalent) OR
  • 2 years previous full-time experience in money advice (or part-time equivalent) OR
  • Any other relevant experience that we will consider on a case by case basis

To study CertMAP, you MUST be a member of the IMA with membership fees paid up to date. Find out more about membership and benefits by clicking here: http://www.i-m-a.org.uk/membership/

Over 1,200 money advisers have obtained CertMAP, which is accredited by the Money Advice Service (MAS) to caseworker/specialist level. MAS is the principal funder in the free money advice sector and also accredits the services it funds. Recognition from MAS means that CertMAP plays a key role in assuring quality of advice across the sector. Many organisations state CertMAP is an essential or desirable qualification in job recruitment.

As the Award Leader, CertMAP, I wanted to blog information about this course. I also want to wish Cohort 23 the very best with their CertMAP on Saturday 29th April 2017.

Watch out for the latest blog / twitter from the IMA Conference on Monday 15th May 2017 in Bristol.

Good Luck Everyone

Maqsoodah Ashraf, Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social Welfare Maqsoodah.Ashraf@staffs.ac.uk