Rebecca Owen – Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care graduate, Rachel has gone on to a rewarding job as a Deputy Manager at Aspiris.

What do you find most fulfilling about your role? 

I have been working in residential childcare management for almost a year. It can be extremely challenging but also rewarding. Having children come into your care from a background of abuse or neglect can be emotionally difficult, but the staff team work together to provide positive fulfilling moments and nurture.

It’s these moments and seeing the difference you make to these young people life’s that enable you to come to work every day.

It’s these moments and seeing the difference you make to these young people life’s that enable you to come to work every day.

Rebecca owen

What are some of the challenges that you face day-to-day in this sector? 

COVID has caused further pressure on an already stretched sector. Young people have not been able to access support or help. This has had a detrimental impact on their well-being. These young people already face huge challenges in their lives by being in care, COVID has definitely added to that.

How has your time on the Health and Social Care degree helped prepare you for your new role? (this might be careers advice, interview tips, placements, simulation experiences etc.) 

Confidence.  Doing presentations has allowed me to find my voice and have the confidence to speak up. This has allowed me to advocate for Young people, in multidisciplinary meetings.

Where do you hope this job will take you career-wise? 

I’m currently working towards being a registered manager.

As someone who is now working, what advice would you have for HSC graduates venturing into the workplace?

I started my current position as Deputy Manager with only childcare experience, not residential care. I researched the legislation and policies. I also built a network of people who work in the sector, which was very useful with interview tips and advice.

I treated my research like a uni essay, so the information gained was retained to memory. I also did voluntary work within the community, became a student mentor and course representative. This improved my skillset further and allowed my confidence within my own abilities to grow.

I would definitely advise anyone leaving uni to do the same. Build a network of people, research the skills, legislation and policies. Improve your skillset, beyond academic skills and really drive for what you want.

Tamara Booth – Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care graduate, Tamara is currently working as a Social Group Coordinator/Manager at Sense.

Tamara Booth
Tamara Booth – Health and Social Care

I secured a position as a group management coordinator, for a charity called Sense after I completed my Health and Social Care degree at Staffordshire University. 

My role is to work very closely alongside other agencies, such as the local authority, social services, and schools where we develop and design comprehensive short break packages for children with additional needs or disabilities.  

Day to day challenges can be things such as securing funding for the children and their families we support. Due to Covid this has caused a huge impact to the funding that’s available.     

Also, I now manage a team of around 25 staff, which comes with its own set of challenges!  

The work we do makes a huge difference to the families and children we support who are often stigmatised and marginalised by society.  

The work I do is exceptionally fulfilling, knowing I have made a difference to one family or child, helping them gain the support they desperately need is a wonderful feeling. 

Throughout my time at university, the modules we covered such as leadership and management, counselling, and communication skills helped prepare my for my role. These modules gave me a comprehensive insight into the rapidly expanding and ever changing environment that is Health and Social Care.   

Any advice I would give to any students studying Health and Social Care would be: gain as much experience in as many different sectors as you can. Your degree is extremely vast, and covers many different sectors, so do not limit yourself.

Tamara booth

Any advice I would give to any students studying Health and Social Care would be: gain as much experience in as many different sectors as you can. Your degree is extremely vast, and covers many different sectors, so do not limit yourself. I never envisaged myself working within the charity sector, I originally wanted to work with offenders. However, when we did our work experience module I worked with children with additional needs and found I gained a real sense of achievement and felt like I made a positive difference.   

The confidence and knowledge I gained at university wouldn’t of been possible without the support and encouragement that I received from my tutors, namely Ana and Matt, who never wavered in their support of me, which I will be forever grateful. 

Nursing – The ‘5-stage’ approach

International Nurses Day 2021 focuses on ‘A vision for future healthcare’. School Lead for Simulation and Patient Safety, Emily Browne talks about the ‘5-stage’ approach to training for student nurses at Staffordshire University. 

In 2019 we ran several interprofessional simulation events for our nursing and paramedic students involving clinical practitioners (Drs and ACPs from partner trusts). One of the interesting findings from this was the nursing students apprehension about taking part in simulation but also their realisation of its benefits and increased confidence levels after the simulation.

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Profile: Hannah Barcroft (Health and Social Care)

Hannah Barcroft

Health and Social Care graduate, Hannah talks about her student and university experience, her valuable work experience in a local care home and why health and social care is so important to society.

What inspired you to choose a degree in Health and Social Care?

I already studied the course at my local college and I wanted to continue to study this at university as the more knowledge and skills that I had, the more that I could apply these within the workplace. Another thing that inspired me was the content of the course. In the third year I saw that I could study a topic of my choice which I was looking forward to as I always wanted to do my own research in a topic that was close to my heart.

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Paramedic collaborates with local charity to promote CPR awareness

Staffordshire University has teamed up with a local charity to produce a new video highlighting how prompt defibrillation could save a person’s life.

The Heart of Weston was founded in memory of Chris and Steve Phillips, who tragically died of cardiac arrest, aged 28 and 29 respectively.

The charity raises awareness of Young Sudden Cardiac Death and promotes CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) cardiac screening to help reduce the risk of young people dying suddenly and unexpectedly – 12 young people die of a cardiac arrest in the UK every week. It campaigns to maintain a defibrillator situated at Weston Village Hall, the brothers’ home village, as well as providing CRY cardiac screening for 14-35, year-olds, ECGs for adults and basic first aid training.

The video features Paramedic Science, Course Leader Tim Davies (Pictured below).

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Karley Duffield – Tanzania Fundraising

Two Kalms and a squirt of my rescue remedy mouth spray and I was ready to tackle the 3 planes from Manchester all the way to Kilimanjaro. The somewhat excessive use of over the counter anti-anxiety medication was not only because I am a terrible flyer but also to help me ease the stress of knowing when that plane landed in Kilimanjaro and my volunteering began, I would officially be a third-year adult nursing student.

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