Immigration Updates: March 2020

Hi everyone, as many of you know there are a lot of unusual changes happening at the moment due to COVID19, and the Home Office have announced a lot of updates over recent weeks.

We have tried to take that information and make it more manageable for you! So please take a look below for all the latest changes.

Don’t forget that you can follow our Facebook page for regular updates and information also. 



1. What can I do if my visa is due to expire and I can’t return home? 


If your visa is due to expire before 31st May 2020 and you cannot leave the UK to return home at this time, you can request a free extension on your visa until 31st May 2020. There is no need for an application or to pay a fee, but you must request this extension from the Home Office. We recommend that you email to request this extension rather than call so that you have a record of this request and when you contacted the Home Office. 

Email to make your request and include all of the below details: 

  • Full name including any middle names
  • Date of birth dd/mm/yyyy
  • Nationality

Previous visa reference number

  • Reason why you cannot return to your home country, e.g. the border to your country is closed.

The Home Office will confirm when they receive your request and if you are successful in in applying for the requested visa extension.

Please ensure to make sure your update the International Student Support team if you use this option. 


2. I can’t return home to make my visa application – what can i do? 

If you were planning a visa application that required you to return home to complete it, but you cannot return home at this time, the Home Office has said that up until 31st May 2020 this requirement is removed. You can instead make the application online in the UK and pay the fee for a UK made application. You have to meet all the requirements of the visa application, for example any financial requirements. 

Please speak with the International Student Support team for further guidance


3. I didn’t think I could do distance learning or remote learning as a Tier 4 student?

Normally this is true! As a Tier 4 student, attendance in person to classes and University is usually a standard requirement of having a Tier 4 visa here in the UK. But as you all know, we are not living in a normal time at the moment! Therefore, the Home Office is currently ignoring this rule, and will not consider Tier 4 students undertaking distance online learning a breach of your visa requirements. Similarly because of this the Home Office do not consider those who have chosen to return home to continue with distance online learning a breach of the rules, and your Tier 4 sponsor will not need to be reported or withdrawn. 

However, engagement with studies over distance online learning and attendance to online classes is still required and mandatory, and it is being monitored by the University.  


4. Can I still make a visa application or extension in the UK if I need to at this time? 

Yes – you can still make your visa application in the UK if you need to, but when you can do your biometric appointment may be affected. This is because many of the locations where biometric appointments take place are closed or due to close because of the latest government guidance. 

It is important that despite this you still make the visa application you need to make, even if your closest Sopra Steria biometric centre is inaccessible. As long your application is made before your current visa expires, and you attend an appointment when it becomes possible, you will still be able to remain in the UK. This remains the same even if your current visa comes to an end whilst you are waiting for your biometric appointment, no matter how long that takes.


5. I am still waiting for my Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) 

For the foreseeable future, should you make a visa application then the delivery of the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) should be set to go directly to your contact address rather than to the University. Once you receive your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) you will need to send us a picture of both sides of it to International Student Support

Please be aware that if the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is not collected then it could be returned and cancelled.

If you leave the UK without your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), you will need to have one to return to the UK. Without your original Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), you would need to apply for a replacement visa to re-enter the UK and then apply for a new Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) once back in the UK (See UKCISA – Biometric Residence Permit information).


6. NHS treatment for COVID19 is free to everyone 

NHS treatment for COVID19 is free of charge to everyone. 

If you have paid the immigration health surcharge and your immigration permission has not expired, you continue to be entitled to free NHS treatment for other illnesses and conditions. If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you can use it to receive free NHS treatment, at least until 31 December 2020.


7. Does doing distance learning mean I can work more hours than usually allowed as a Tier 4 student? 

No. The Home Office has specified that you cannot work anymore hours than you would usually be allowed to as a Tier 4 student, and should continue to comply with your allocated working hours, despite the move to remote teaching or distance online learning. The rules about limited working hours during term time still apply,. During vacation periods you can work above your allocated hours but must obtain a letter for your employer from the University to confirm this. 


8. I am a Tier 4 student with a job, what happens if I am ill or need to self-isolate? 

We encourage you to check with your employer about their process and policy for taking any time off for illness, and about their sickness pay policy. This is  especially important in relation to the recent government guidance about self isolation. Statutory sick pay is not classed as a public fund. 


9. My visa has expired but I cannot leave the UK or make another application – can I work? 

No – you cannot. Furthermore, if you had a job you would need to quit this job once your visa expired. 


10. My accommodation contract is coming to an end and I can’t get home, what happens now? 

The government has considered international students in their recent guidance about accommodation by referring to those with no alternative residence, noting that this “is particularly important in the case of international students”.


University Accommodation

The UK Government state that when there is no alternative residence to go to, for example when you cannot return to your home country, that you should not be asked to leave your accommodation if your contract is ending or if your accommodation agreement doesn’t cover living there during holiday periods. This also applies to students whose contract is ending whilst they are self-isolating. If you think this may apply to you and would like to discuss this further, you should speak to Reslife


Private Landlord Accommodation

The UK Government has stated that landlords should not evict any tenants, even if they no longer have a valid visa or a new tenant is due to move it. Furthermore, if a person cannot pay their rent, the landlord might be able to take a break from paying their mortgage, if they have one. You should liaise with your landlord if your accommodation contract is coming to an end soon and you cannot return home. 

You can read the full government guidance “for those with no alternative residence” here.


11. So what is happening with Graduation now? 

We know that graduation for June 2020 has been postponed until November 2020. As it currently stands the Home Office guidance has not changed regarding this, and so if your visa expires after 31st May 2020 but before the graduation ceremony in November, and you wish to attend the ceremony, you would be required to return home and apply to return on a UK visit visa. If you have any questions about November graduation, you can email the Graduation team


12. I need to register or update my information with the police as part of the Overseas Visitors Registration requirements – can I do this? 

All UK police forces, including the Overseas Visitors Registration Office (OVRO) in London, have suspended police registration and issued guidance for applicants. The advice for everyone is that you will not be penalised for not attending or making an appointment. This includes people who have left the UK without registering, and who will need to re-enter in the future.

Staffordshire Police have informed us that they are suspending all appointments for the foreseeable future due to COVID19, and that they will update us as soon as it is possible. They have advised that if you have any questions, you should email them directly

 Check the website of your relevant police force for further updates.


13. Where can I read more about these updates?

You can read more about all of these changes on the UKCISA Coronavirus (Covid-19): info for international students page


14. Contacting International Student Support, and information about other University Support Services: 

You can email us, WhatsApp us on 07876222927, or book an appointment. 

You can also find out more about our other University Support Services.

If you need a safe place to talk, share and get support go to Big White Wall.



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