Money, Banking and Budgeting

Hi Everyone, 

Hope you are all doing well! We have another webinar for you to get stuck in with this week and it’s all about Money, Banking and Budgeting. 

Budgeting is an important part of everyday life and it’s something which all students have to learn, not just internationals. While it’s not the most exciting subject it is an important life skill and can often mean you can afford those luxuries from time to time.

To help make budgeting for your studies that little bit easier for you, we have created three simple guides to help.

Introduction video:

Webinar Video:

PDF Guide: Money and Banking – International Students

If you would like to go through the webinar at your own pace, you can scroll through the PowerPoint here: Webinar PowerPoint

Take our quiz on UK money here: 

As always if you have any questions, you can always email us on 

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