Step Up student blogs: Umehra

  • DSC_2207 (2)What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I wanted to apply for university as a mature student in order to gain a qualification, however I was uncertain of the process when doing this alone. I contacted the enquiries team at Staffordshire University and was invited to an open day where I met Ashley. I immediately felt at ease which gave me the confidence that university was a possibility. I then took the plunge and applied”.

  • How did you feel on the first day?

“I walked away after the first day feeling as though I had discovered so much about myself as a person. It was nice to see so many faces with similar goals. This made me feel so much better and happier that I was not alone”.

  • How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“In the past I lacked attention, however the learning environment at university is so much different. The tutors are incredibly supportive and encourage active engagement; which has helped tremendously at keeping me motivated and my goal of degree study within reach”.

  • Is there anything you would have done differently looking back?

“I wish I had known about the Step Up to HE course sooner. I wasted so much time pondering and worrying that I would not fit in at university. This cannot be further from the truth now and I have met some friends in the process”.

  • Has Step Up helped you in anyway, if so, what?

“Step Up has given me a broad comprehension of what is required at degree level study. I am now able to think and write both critically and effectively whilst knowing how and where to research. In the process I have also discovered what support the university offers and also got to know my way around the campus before starting in September ”.

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“I have already submitted my UCAS application to study Journalism at Staffordshire and since received a conditional offer on the basis that I complete Step Up successfully. I am confident with the on-going support that I will be able to achieve the award and pursue my dream of becoming influential within the sphere of broadcast journalism in the future”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

4 thoughts on “Step Up student blogs: Umehra

  1. Very interesting posting Umehra. Challenges faced by mature students are a little different but, on the whole, for a variety of reasons, they tend to do very well

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