Step Up student blogs: John


  • What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I had wanted to complete a degree for a while but I did not know what to do or where to go about making this a reality. One of my main concerns of going to university was having the prior academic skills and knowledge in order to support me on a degree. However, after visiting Staffordshire University at one of their Open Day’s, I spoke to a representative who encouraged and helped me to apply. The rest as they say is history”.

  • How did you feel on the first day? 

“On my first day I felt enthusiastic but somewhat apprehensive about the amount of work involved on the course. However, after the first or second week this quickly disappeared and I had already started my first written assignment”.

How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“The teaching and support from the whole Step Up team was first class. Even now after I have finished the course and studying on my degree the support is still there. Completing Step Up makes you part of a larger family and it is great to see other students around campus on their chosen courses”.

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“I am already half way through my first year studying Motorsport Technology and I am looking forward to the prospect of a work experience placement I have sourced through the Careers Team at the university in Dubai. I am hoping to take all the opportunities available to me now I have made the transition to university to further support my future career in the motorsport industry”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link: