Step Up student blogs: Helen

On January 5th 2017, I received an email thanking me for applying for the Step Up to Higher Education course at Staffordshire University. I could not contain my excitement. I thought to myself that ‘I am actually going through with this’. The following day, I excitedly thanked a friend of mine for the push in the right direction and the motivation to go forward with my ambitions in getting to University.

Before applying, I had heard several inspiring stories regarding the Step Up course and for this reason; my enthusiasm was in full swing. By the time my first day arrived, my stomach was flipping. I was about to make a huge step forward toward a goal that seemed out of reach. Goals that I had only ever dreamt about since I had left school, many moons ago. My children have left home and it was time to do something for me and something I could relish and enjoy.   

On the first day, I arrived at the Science Centre on Leek Road with legs like jelly. Ashley welcomed me and I slowly began to relax because of the smooth and friendly interview he gave me on the previous week – he promised me that I would be looked after and I was. After meeting the tutors, other adult learners and dream chasers the first week flew by. My anxiety of becoming a newbie was lessening more and more.

The tutors on Step Up and the handy note taker were very professional. I knew what topic was to be delivered on the morning and afternoon sessions, all due to their first class deliverance. They sought to complete their job in a fashion that suited each learner. Individuals that did not understand something felt at ease to say so. The atmosphere was relaxed, rewarding and very enjoyable. A completely contrary and positive experience to education I had come across in the past.

Step Up to HE as a course has had such a positive impact on me. I feared school as a child, because I was seen as just a pupil going through a ‘phase in life’. Yet in comparison, Staffordshire University has a great support network that has been put into place. Individuals with learning disabilities, like myself, can seek help from the Student Enabling Centre as soon as the teaching process begins. Every staff member that I have met had a keen interest in my wellbeing. I felt my confidence grow as the weeks turned into the first month. I knew from here that all the self-doubt I had on the first day was a waste of energy and as a result, all my energy has gone into producing my assignments to the best standard possible.

I have developed many of the essential skills needed for my future degree such as an academic style of writing, preparation for lectures and how to obtain information amongst developing the confidence to promote a critical thinking approach towards my work.

Before I started Step Up, I was just plodding through life with what I knew with no new challenges. I got by, however a few months on I am now thriving and looking forward to the future. I feel as though I have been shown the door to the rest of my life and can see my future career ambition come ever closer. All staff involved within the Step Up to HE course have taught me professionally whilst also always having time to fully make it such a positive experience. My hopes and dreams of becoming and Early Years English tutor are on the horizons and in September I shall be starting the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies course with more confidence, know how, self-belief and a spring in my step.

I without a doubt encourage especially those who feel unsure about the next stage of getting to university to make that leap and at least try it for yourselves.


For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

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