Step Up student blogs: Dan

 1)    What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

I was encouraged to apply for Step Up after a friend recommended the course after expressing my interest in wanting to return to education. From a very young age I had always wanted to become a paramedic; therefore I applied to complete Step Up as a way of brushing up on my academic ability after being out of education for a number of years. After applying I then attended an interview with Ashley, who then advised me that I would need to complete and achieve my Level 2’s in English and maths in order to meet the entry requirements for FdSc Paramedic Science. I was then pointed in the direction of the Adult and Community Learning team at Stoke-on-Trent City Council, which the Step Up to HE programme has a partnership with. I embarked on my Level 2’s in English and maths free of charge whilst still working and fitting in full-time employment. After receiving a conditional offer from the university to progress on to Step Up, I was then completely motivated to make my ambition of becoming a paramedic a reality.

2)    How did you feel on the first day?

I was both nervous and excited. I didn’t know what to expect about the course and initially doubted my ability to do well. The ice breakers on the first day helped me relax and to get to know my fellow course students. The teaching team and their warm and professional approach made me feel increasingly at ease and this only grew throughout the course.

3)    How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire University in comparison to past education experience?

In terms of comparing my past education experiences to Step Up, I found the course a lot more enjoyable as the mature and supportive environment alongside the end goal kept me driven and motivated to succeed. In addition to the academic workshops and lectures, Ashley sat down with me during our 1-2-1 tutorials and helped me with my interview techniques, which in turn improved my confidence and ability to answer the specific paramedic related questions that I would then be potentially asked at my interview later on in the year. For my last mock interview, I was taken to the Blackhealth Lane Centre of Healthcare Excellence, where the healthcare courses are based at Staffordshire University. The Step Up team had organised for me to be interviewed by 2nd year paramedic students sitting in interview conditions. I found the experience initially daunting, however it improved my confidence greatly, and being able to ask questions and receive feedback by current paramedic science students was invaluable in preparing me for the real thing.

4)    Has Step Up helped you anyway, if so, what?

As someone who is largely practical, completing Step Up has increased my confidence to do well in education as a result of the range of learning styles delivered on the course. In addition to this, the course, guidance and confidence building has given me the insight to really understand my own abilities and strengths. Conversely, I have also been able to now highlight any weaknesses or elements that I need to improve; which in turn has made me proactive in constantly seeking to improve and develop my skills for the future and embarking on to degree level study. I think this is a quality that is extremely important whilst working for the Ambulance Service and in the NHS.

5)    What are your hopes and plans for the future?

After completing the FdSc Paramedic Science course, I hope to then move on to a third year in order to gain the BSc Hons Paramedic Science. After that, alongside the work experience I have amassed to date in an ambulance service remit, I hope to then apply for West Midlands Ambulance Service to become a qualified paramedic. Alongside work, I am already thinking about further study and hopefully completing a Masters and potentially even a PhD. I am very keen to progress within the Ambulance Service and hopefully gain a more strategic role in the future.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link: