Linz’s story: Be the best you!

As the years passed, any consideration of further education felt aimless. Raising a family, being a wife, mother, worker left my other passions on pause.  I had a purpose and I thrived. However, despite my complacency and happy consistency of daily life, I became aware of an ever-growing sensation akin to longing. Familiar dreams and desires I’d almost forgotten about, started to taunt me. Regret that my opportunities of education had passed, and it was now too late. In particular, my dream of gaining a degree in a subject I’d wanted since the age of 16 was never going to become a reality. I am now however, in the last few weeks of that degree I dreamed of, and I couldn’t be any happier or equally any prouder of myself.  

Whilst working as cleaner for a company, it was there I first heard about the Step Up programme. Although it sounded enticing, I still felt it was so far from my reach as I truly believed I didn’t have the level of education needed to enrol in any university course. I simply didn’t feel smart enough to move forward. My struggle through high school, despite my best efforts resigned me to believing I couldn’t as I was left behind due to dyslexia, which wasn’t noticed and I was almost branded “lazy” and therefore, I accepted that label and simply gave up trying.  Still, I had to see what it entailed and maybe, just maybe, this was my last hope of my dream becoming true. Even suffering with learning difficulties and hidden disabilities, this has become the most amazing chapter of my life where I feel I have flourished. Not as a mother, wife and all the other hats I wear, this is for me. For Linz. And yes, I am proud of myself as is my family at the same time!  

My experience of the Step Up programme made going back to education fun. It taught me, regardless of any “obstacles” in my mind, they were in fact just another piece of me and encouraged me to see, not only how anything can be achieved, but also how to make the person you are discover your strengths. My confidence has become something that empowers me to take on new challenges, not shy away, embrace “me” and that is something I will take forward with me.  

Step Up provided everything you need to succeed. The additional support for learning, the ability to gain life skills to ensure you have the best chance possible to stand you a good confident position to take with you into any degree you wish to study.  After hiding my disabilities for years, I will now stand tall and not only openly talk about them but use them to encourage others in the same or similar position. Stand tall, embrace who you are and be proud!  

If you are feeling somewhat similar and don’t know where to start, we are here to help. Through our YES Project, we are able to offer 1:1 coaching and mentoring with young people aged 16-24 which aim to develop the following:   

  • Academic and Learning Development  
  • Life and Career Planning  
  • Mentoring and Coaching  
  • Information, Advice and Guidance on progressing to University  

Please feel free to get in touch with the team directly via email on or via Facebook: Step Up to Higher Education/Twitter: @StaffsStepUP and we’d be happy to see how we can help you achieve your future aspirations!   

Look forward to speaking with you soon,  


Say Yes to Becoming a Better You: Nesta’s story

At one point, I was qualified to do nothing, and that’s all I did; I’d wake up in the morning and turn my Xbox on or get my bike out and spend the whole day trying to enjoy myself, it wasn’t always successful, but I got completely used to wasting all my time.  

I went to four different colleges after I finished school, didn’t finish a course, honestly, I never made it past the first year because I felt too low to understand why I needed qualifications and looking past tomorrow into the future seemed like an exercise which didn’t suit me. 

Holding a job down was something abstract to me also, I struggled to wake up in the morning, let alone feel motivated to go and serve someone I didn’t know for a small portion of the profit I was producing for them.  

After years of under-performing and slowly spiraling into chaos, stagnating, and wasting my potential, I wanted to start enjoying life. I decided that I would construct my life in a way which suits me, I needed to earn money and I needed to enjoy myself whilst doing so, after reflecting on what has always excited me (technology and its ability to help people and save lives) I decided to pursue what I had always wanted to be, an inventor.  

I heard about the Step Up to HE course, which makes education accessible for people like me, to get a qualification in Engineering Design, so I would have the knowledge to bring ideas from my mind into reality, possibly the best decision I ever made, because the access to equipment and software provided by Staffs University is state of the art and allows users the chance to experience industry, with the comfort of course leaders and technicians to support us.  

From being able to meet people who think like me, to being introduced to skilful and experienced students who can help me develop my skills; I learned networking is the most important aspect of life generally, because as a human, we depend on others from birth and the more people you know, the more opportunities you are exposed to.  

Coming to university has evolved my potential, however this is not because of the university, it is rather about my attitude towards growth and the access I’ve had here has enable that growth; for some people, an apprenticeship may be the best route forward because of the hands-on learning inside the industry, for others, training providers may be a great place to learn and grow into someone competent. 

Whoever you are and whatever your desires may be, developing skills which will last a lifetime is what will inevitably help you become the best version of yourself. Through our YES Project, we can offer 1:1 coaching and mentoring with young people aged 16-24 which aim to include the following:

  • Academic and Learning Development 
  • Life and Career Planning 
  • Mentoring and Coaching 
  • Information, Advice and Guidance on progressing to University 

Please feel free to get in touch with the team directly via email on or via Facebook: Step Up to Higher Education/Twitter: @StaffsStepUP and we’d be happy to see how we can help you achieve your future aspirations!  

Look forward to speaking soon!


Kate’s story: Overcoming barriers to education and University

I’ve always found the act of learning to be incredibly exciting. Picking up new knowledge and widening my perspective, while also training myself to question, debate and adapt can be immensely empowering. I’ve always felt this way, however, until I arrived at university, I felt like I was never able to express this passion for learning properly. During my time in high school and college I remember feeling like a ghost and everything felt so out of reach. Dyslexia, depression, low self-esteem, anger and a general lack of interest behaved as brick walls that I had to face each time I tried to engage with studies. It made me feel so angry and exhausted that I became a passive observer. As such, I sat back and watched my friends receive their GCSE results and a few years later I sat back and watched them receive their A level results. Sitting back and observing suited me just fine, at least until I received my grades and realised that I might have done better if I hadn’t shown up at all.   

Annoyed by this unsettling reflection, I marched down to my Career Advisor in hopes of finding out how to amend my mistake. They told me I had two options, the first option was resitting, and the second was to try a course at Staffs Uni called Step Up  to Higher Education. Immediately, I knew resits were out of the question. My intention was to move forward. As such, I decided to try the Step Up course. Upon applying I had to attend an interview. I was so nervous I imagined a scenario where they would ask me where my grades were and what I’d been playing at all this time. I thought they’d judge me. I thought they might assume I was unteachable. Of course, none of these events occurred. Instead, I was met with a genuine willingness to help and understand. It overpowered my anxieties and allowed me to feel comfortable. After the interview, I was accepted on to the course and felt truly elevated by the outcome.  

It became clear to me that this understanding and positive approach was consistent throughout the course, and I was encouraged to express myself and engage. Each week I had a 1:1 meeting with the Course Leader, where the main topic of conversation was not about the things I did wrong or how poor of a job I may or may not have done, rather, it was all about me as an individual! They didn’t care about the mistakes I made in the past, or whether my grades were ‘good enough’. For the first time ever, it felt like someone was actually listening to me and trying to help. With this support, those brick walls I had mentioned earlier began to crumble, and, while I still have to acknowledge the rubble left behind, I don’t have to face it alone. Step Up to HE was a new beginning for me. It helped me to set a standard for myself, reigniting my passion for learning. 

The barriers you face might sound like mine or they could be entirely different, whether it be age, mental health, learning difficulties or adjusting to a new home country. The decision to pursue your goals is truly admirable.  

For this same reason, if you’re between the ages of 16- 24 and you’d like to begin your own journey, starting with Step Up To HE,  you can do so via the YES project, where you’ll receive 1:1 mentoring to guide you in your academic development and career/life planning. Furthermore, with this guidance, you’ll receive advice and information about potentially progressing on to university.  

Ensuring accessibility to education and offering appropriate aid so you can reach your goals is our top priority. If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch with us: 


Facebook: Step Up to Higher Education  

Twitter: @StaffsStepUP 

We look forward to hearing from you soon!  

– Kate  

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Adult Community Learning and ‘Stepping Up’ to postgraduate study.

DSC_2521Sometimes life just makes you think, doesn’t it? I had spent twenty years working with special needs pupils and due to a neck problem I was unable to continue in the role. Sitting alone in the house was depressing and boring so I decided to find out about ‘community’ learning, I knew the local primary school offered Maths courses so I was sure there must be more out there. Searching online I came across Adult Learning in Stoke on Trent, there were some interesting courses available and I thought ‘Why not?’ it was a way to get out and about, have some social interaction and refresh or learn some new skills. So, over a few months I attended a basic First Aid course, introduction to forensic science and counselling skills.

The tutors were great and the locations were easily assessable. First Aid was useful as it can be applied in so many instances, whilst forensic science improved my observation skills and gave me an understanding of how crimes are dealt with. The silk painting was relaxing and the other ladies who attended were especially welcoming and friendly which helped me to deal with feelings of loneliness. The counselling course was amazing, in addition to learning communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, active listening skills and the history and purpose of person-centred counselling there was a lot of reflection and self-improvement work. I learned about my drives and motivations, influences and found I understood myself much better. My confidence increased rapidly and I mentioned to the tutor I fancied University but wasn’t sure. I was encouraged to explore all the opportunities open to me and told, it was never too late to realise my ambitions. Adult Learning had certainly awoken my thirst for learning and I wanted more.

I decided to search Facebook for a mature students at Staffordshire University page and once finding it, I posted asking if they thought that 50 was too old to study. I received a series of resounding Nos and was signposted to Rose and Step Up to HE.  Within days of sending an email I had secured a place on Step Up and as they say…the rest is history.

Step Up gave me the skills and knowledge to apply for an undergraduate degree. I learned how to plan, research and write academic essays. My critical thinking improved. I learned about my learning style, how I acted within group work situations and how to deal with conflict within groups. Achieving a high final grade gave me the final bit of confidence to move onwards.

Four years on I have a B.A. (Hons) First Class in Philosophy and have, this week, written my final dissertation for a Master of Arts degree. It’s not been easy but with the skills I gained throughout my learning journey I succeeded. Additionally, at ‘Staffs’ you are never on your own; the tutors are also available, there is study skills support to improve written work, library staff can help with research and the Enabling Centre and Faculty staff are available to help when life comes along and dumps a heavy load on your shoulders. This, in my view, is an essential for mature students who have not only studies but families to manage.

If you are thinking of starting your own learning journey don’t hesitate. Try a few Adult Learning courses and go from there. Take small steps, build up your confidence and keep your ‘eye on the goal’. Don’t worry about student loans and debts, find out the details from a trusted source, visit an Open Day at Staffs – it’s not as scary as you think.   Above all, remember if you want to succeed you can and you will have your time to shine.

Best of luck!
