Step Up to PhD level study: Steven’s blog

In March 2010, I entered a rehabilitation facility to tackle an addiction problem that had begun when I was 14 years old. As my recovery journey progressed I became determined to replace my addiction with something far more positive, and in January 2011 I began evening classes on a counselling course, and attended the Step-Up to HE course at Staffordshire University. This course gave me a thirst for knowledge and learning, as well as an inner confidence that I could attend and achieve at university-level education.

In September 2011, I began a Sociology-based course entitled Crime, Deviance and Society (BA) and graduated with a 2:1 (with honours). I then searched for an appropriate Masters course which reflected my research thoughts and ideas, and in September 2016 began an MSc in Public Health (Addictions) at Liverpool John Moores University. At the same time, I joined New Beginnings, a group of voluntary, former service-users that work with individuals in a detoxification unit based at the Harplands Hospital. I now also hold positions on the Service User and Carers Council, the Research and Development Steering Group, and the Directorate for Substance Misuse within the North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust, as well as having an involvement with the City of Culture 2021 bid.

As part of my Masters course, I wrote a paper linking the Theories of Addiction to serial killing, which won an award for innovation and led to funding enabling me to go to the USA for a week to do field work and research. This was in May of this year, and included developing a network with professors at Yale University in New Haven, Southern Connecticut State University, and a few days field work in New York. The experience and networks I developed there are invaluable, and are helping me to be at the forefront of developing a peer mentoring and peer coaching scheme as part of my role at New Beginnings, as well as being part of a project within the NHS Trust to set up a ‘Recovery College’ in the Stoke and North Staffordshire area.

I am currently working on my dissertation, which centres around a Social Evaluation of the Importance of Peer Support in Recovery, and have a clear idea of research I wish to undertake at PhD level. I have an appointment in January at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia with a senior professor who is offering the professional expertise, resources and finances to assist with my research, and I am in talks trying to gain similar support in the UK. It is also possible to work with the networks I established in the USA, so I am hoping to be in a position where I can choose and dictate my own research based upon the best and most appropriate offer I receive.

Life is busy and full, the future holds optimism and excitement, and after battling addiction, the basis for this all began at Step-Up, which opened all the opportunities that followed. I owe an awful lot to Rose Taylor and the team that ran Step-Up back then; not only has it taken me on this educational and professional journey, it is also where I met the woman who became my wife!

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: Dan

 1)    What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

I was encouraged to apply for Step Up after a friend recommended the course after expressing my interest in wanting to return to education. From a very young age I had always wanted to become a paramedic; therefore I applied to complete Step Up as a way of brushing up on my academic ability after being out of education for a number of years. After applying I then attended an interview with Ashley, who then advised me that I would need to complete and achieve my Level 2’s in English and maths in order to meet the entry requirements for FdSc Paramedic Science. I was then pointed in the direction of the Adult and Community Learning team at Stoke-on-Trent City Council, which the Step Up to HE programme has a partnership with. I embarked on my Level 2’s in English and maths free of charge whilst still working and fitting in full-time employment. After receiving a conditional offer from the university to progress on to Step Up, I was then completely motivated to make my ambition of becoming a paramedic a reality.

2)    How did you feel on the first day?

I was both nervous and excited. I didn’t know what to expect about the course and initially doubted my ability to do well. The ice breakers on the first day helped me relax and to get to know my fellow course students. The teaching team and their warm and professional approach made me feel increasingly at ease and this only grew throughout the course.

3)    How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire University in comparison to past education experience?

In terms of comparing my past education experiences to Step Up, I found the course a lot more enjoyable as the mature and supportive environment alongside the end goal kept me driven and motivated to succeed. In addition to the academic workshops and lectures, Ashley sat down with me during our 1-2-1 tutorials and helped me with my interview techniques, which in turn improved my confidence and ability to answer the specific paramedic related questions that I would then be potentially asked at my interview later on in the year. For my last mock interview, I was taken to the Blackhealth Lane Centre of Healthcare Excellence, where the healthcare courses are based at Staffordshire University. The Step Up team had organised for me to be interviewed by 2nd year paramedic students sitting in interview conditions. I found the experience initially daunting, however it improved my confidence greatly, and being able to ask questions and receive feedback by current paramedic science students was invaluable in preparing me for the real thing.

4)    Has Step Up helped you anyway, if so, what?

As someone who is largely practical, completing Step Up has increased my confidence to do well in education as a result of the range of learning styles delivered on the course. In addition to this, the course, guidance and confidence building has given me the insight to really understand my own abilities and strengths. Conversely, I have also been able to now highlight any weaknesses or elements that I need to improve; which in turn has made me proactive in constantly seeking to improve and develop my skills for the future and embarking on to degree level study. I think this is a quality that is extremely important whilst working for the Ambulance Service and in the NHS.

5)    What are your hopes and plans for the future?

After completing the FdSc Paramedic Science course, I hope to then move on to a third year in order to gain the BSc Hons Paramedic Science. After that, alongside the work experience I have amassed to date in an ambulance service remit, I hope to then apply for West Midlands Ambulance Service to become a qualified paramedic. Alongside work, I am already thinking about further study and hopefully completing a Masters and potentially even a PhD. I am very keen to progress within the Ambulance Service and hopefully gain a more strategic role in the future.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: Justyna

1)      What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

My decision to undertake Step Up to HE and the higher education route was well thought and considered. Over the last several years, I tried to use my skills in the workplace to obtain a position in lower management within a human resources remit. My natural organisational skills as well as working discipline were helpful; but my progress was slow due to my lack of education.  As much as my skills were valued and recognised, I was at a disadvantage compared to other members of staff who could support their job applications with various forms of diplomas and degrees. As a result, I then started to look for ways to enrich my working prospects and finally took the plunge so I could gain a position I would enjoy and excel in. The Step Up option then came in the form of advice during a meeting with a Staffordshire University International Officer; who then guided and supported me in making an application for the course.

2)      How did you feel on the first day?

My first day was accompanied with mixed feelings, excitement from starting a new journey, anxiety and a dash of apprehension. After having a long break from education, I was apprehensive as to what I should expect. After meeting my tutors and other co-students on the first day, all my apprehensions lifted and I felt most of all ready for the new and exciting challenges ahead. 

3)      How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire University in comparison to past education experience?

The tutors were supportive, helpful and aware of individualistic student needs; especially after my long gap in education. In addition to this, the tutors and teaching staff helped tremendously in improving my academic writing skills and my confidence in writing owing to the fact that English is my second language.  For example, the concept of the academic writing was new to me and the tutors were willing to provide an insight into the potential flaws that I was making. This in turn improved my language as well as mu confidence in my writing potential.

4)      Has Step Up helped you anyway, if so, what?

I found the Step Up route particularly helpful in providing me with a firm understanding of the rigours of degree level qualification whilst also providing me with a taste of what university life as a mature learner will be like.  On top of this, I have noticed a great boost in my critical thinking skills as well my confidence in my own abilities throughout working in and leading teams within my job too.    

5)      What are your hopes and plans for the future?

For now, my hopes and plans revolve around starting and completing the BA (Hons) Business Management and Human Resources degree at Staffordshire University, which starts this September. Looking further in to the future, I hope to then proceed onto the Masters in Human Resource Management as my end goal is to become a specialist and obtain a position within HR or other managerial roles in possible one of the UK’s leading companies. 

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: Helen

On January 5th 2017, I received an email thanking me for applying for the Step Up to Higher Education course at Staffordshire University. I could not contain my excitement. I thought to myself that ‘I am actually going through with this’. The following day, I excitedly thanked a friend of mine for the push in the right direction and the motivation to go forward with my ambitions in getting to University.

Before applying, I had heard several inspiring stories regarding the Step Up course and for this reason; my enthusiasm was in full swing. By the time my first day arrived, my stomach was flipping. I was about to make a huge step forward toward a goal that seemed out of reach. Goals that I had only ever dreamt about since I had left school, many moons ago. My children have left home and it was time to do something for me and something I could relish and enjoy.   

On the first day, I arrived at the Science Centre on Leek Road with legs like jelly. Ashley welcomed me and I slowly began to relax because of the smooth and friendly interview he gave me on the previous week – he promised me that I would be looked after and I was. After meeting the tutors, other adult learners and dream chasers the first week flew by. My anxiety of becoming a newbie was lessening more and more.

The tutors on Step Up and the handy note taker were very professional. I knew what topic was to be delivered on the morning and afternoon sessions, all due to their first class deliverance. They sought to complete their job in a fashion that suited each learner. Individuals that did not understand something felt at ease to say so. The atmosphere was relaxed, rewarding and very enjoyable. A completely contrary and positive experience to education I had come across in the past.

Step Up to HE as a course has had such a positive impact on me. I feared school as a child, because I was seen as just a pupil going through a ‘phase in life’. Yet in comparison, Staffordshire University has a great support network that has been put into place. Individuals with learning disabilities, like myself, can seek help from the Student Enabling Centre as soon as the teaching process begins. Every staff member that I have met had a keen interest in my wellbeing. I felt my confidence grow as the weeks turned into the first month. I knew from here that all the self-doubt I had on the first day was a waste of energy and as a result, all my energy has gone into producing my assignments to the best standard possible.

I have developed many of the essential skills needed for my future degree such as an academic style of writing, preparation for lectures and how to obtain information amongst developing the confidence to promote a critical thinking approach towards my work.

Before I started Step Up, I was just plodding through life with what I knew with no new challenges. I got by, however a few months on I am now thriving and looking forward to the future. I feel as though I have been shown the door to the rest of my life and can see my future career ambition come ever closer. All staff involved within the Step Up to HE course have taught me professionally whilst also always having time to fully make it such a positive experience. My hopes and dreams of becoming and Early Years English tutor are on the horizons and in September I shall be starting the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies course with more confidence, know how, self-belief and a spring in my step.

I without a doubt encourage especially those who feel unsure about the next stage of getting to university to make that leap and at least try it for yourselves.


For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: John


  • What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I had wanted to complete a degree for a while but I did not know what to do or where to go about making this a reality. One of my main concerns of going to university was having the prior academic skills and knowledge in order to support me on a degree. However, after visiting Staffordshire University at one of their Open Day’s, I spoke to a representative who encouraged and helped me to apply. The rest as they say is history”.

  • How did you feel on the first day? 

“On my first day I felt enthusiastic but somewhat apprehensive about the amount of work involved on the course. However, after the first or second week this quickly disappeared and I had already started my first written assignment”.

How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“The teaching and support from the whole Step Up team was first class. Even now after I have finished the course and studying on my degree the support is still there. Completing Step Up makes you part of a larger family and it is great to see other students around campus on their chosen courses”.

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“I am already half way through my first year studying Motorsport Technology and I am looking forward to the prospect of a work experience placement I have sourced through the Careers Team at the university in Dubai. I am hoping to take all the opportunities available to me now I have made the transition to university to further support my future career in the motorsport industry”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: Nat

  • bursary-75-nat-campbellWhat motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I was referred to the Step Up from the university enquiries team after wanting to get some information about finance when it came to university. I explained my circumstances and was recommended the Step Up course as a perfect starting point to getting into university and the degree I wanted to progress on to”.

  • How did you feel on the first day? 

“On my first day I was a tad apprehensive but that soon went after meeting all the tutors and drying off from the torrential rain that happened to appear on the first day!”.

  • How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“The difference in comparison with my past educational experiences was huge. The teaching staff are very firm but fair in their approach to tutoring you on what is needed for university study as everything they did was in our best interests as students. Nothing was too much trouble on the course. ”

  • Has Step Up helped you in anyway, if so, what?

“Completing the Step Up course successfully has made me more aware of the need to write academically and objectively but also settled any worries about university life and how to cope with the workload. Half way through the course I had a mini crisis about how I would get on at university but got through the doubts I had with the right support from the team.”

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“Step Up has made my lifetime ambition in going to university a reality. Since Step Up I have embraced university life to the fullest. I am now a university rep, a Student Ambassador and have created a new society at the university. As for the future, who knows? However, I have ambitions to work with young offenders in order to create positive role models and influencers for their futures”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Adult Community Learning and ‘Stepping Up’ to postgraduate study.

DSC_2521Sometimes life just makes you think, doesn’t it? I had spent twenty years working with special needs pupils and due to a neck problem I was unable to continue in the role. Sitting alone in the house was depressing and boring so I decided to find out about ‘community’ learning, I knew the local primary school offered Maths courses so I was sure there must be more out there. Searching online I came across Adult Learning in Stoke on Trent, there were some interesting courses available and I thought ‘Why not?’ it was a way to get out and about, have some social interaction and refresh or learn some new skills. So, over a few months I attended a basic First Aid course, introduction to forensic science and counselling skills.

The tutors were great and the locations were easily assessable. First Aid was useful as it can be applied in so many instances, whilst forensic science improved my observation skills and gave me an understanding of how crimes are dealt with. The silk painting was relaxing and the other ladies who attended were especially welcoming and friendly which helped me to deal with feelings of loneliness. The counselling course was amazing, in addition to learning communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, active listening skills and the history and purpose of person-centred counselling there was a lot of reflection and self-improvement work. I learned about my drives and motivations, influences and found I understood myself much better. My confidence increased rapidly and I mentioned to the tutor I fancied University but wasn’t sure. I was encouraged to explore all the opportunities open to me and told, it was never too late to realise my ambitions. Adult Learning had certainly awoken my thirst for learning and I wanted more.

I decided to search Facebook for a mature students at Staffordshire University page and once finding it, I posted asking if they thought that 50 was too old to study. I received a series of resounding Nos and was signposted to Rose and Step Up to HE.  Within days of sending an email I had secured a place on Step Up and as they say…the rest is history.

Step Up gave me the skills and knowledge to apply for an undergraduate degree. I learned how to plan, research and write academic essays. My critical thinking improved. I learned about my learning style, how I acted within group work situations and how to deal with conflict within groups. Achieving a high final grade gave me the final bit of confidence to move onwards.

Four years on I have a B.A. (Hons) First Class in Philosophy and have, this week, written my final dissertation for a Master of Arts degree. It’s not been easy but with the skills I gained throughout my learning journey I succeeded. Additionally, at ‘Staffs’ you are never on your own; the tutors are also available, there is study skills support to improve written work, library staff can help with research and the Enabling Centre and Faculty staff are available to help when life comes along and dumps a heavy load on your shoulders. This, in my view, is an essential for mature students who have not only studies but families to manage.

If you are thinking of starting your own learning journey don’t hesitate. Try a few Adult Learning courses and go from there. Take small steps, build up your confidence and keep your ‘eye on the goal’. Don’t worry about student loans and debts, find out the details from a trusted source, visit an Open Day at Staffs – it’s not as scary as you think.   Above all, remember if you want to succeed you can and you will have your time to shine.

Best of luck!


Step Up to HE and Adult Community Learning forge partnership to support education across the city.

FullSizeRender (4)Staffordshire University and Stoke-on-Trent City Council have come together to collaborate their efforts in supporting learners back into education.

The University will be working closely with Adult Community Learning in the Local Authority headquarters, One Smithfield building in Hanley city centre to provide information, guidance and mentoring to members of the public who are looking to get back in to education. The university will also be offering tasters of what their free Step Up to Higher Education course has to offer to learners who are aiming for a degree level education.

Ashley Cotton, Step Up to HE Programme Manager said: “After working closely in the past, it is great to move forward with this exciting phase of development with the city council to support learners back in to education. It reaffirms our commitment to Stoke-on-Trent, that the University and the city council are working together to promote social mobility across the region”.

“Both the city council and the University are extremely excited to be offering educational opportunities in such a pivotal and central location for the city at the new One Smithfield development”.

Stacey Hargreaves, Senior Engagement Officer at Stoke-on-Trent City Council said: “This is a fantastic new partnership that we plan to develop going forward to ensure that we are doing all we can to support the residents of Stoke-on-Trent with their educational skillset for the future”.

From the university, Ashley Cotton will be on hand every Wednesday, 9:30-12pm to support members of the public who are considering to make the move back into education.

For additional information, please contact:

T: 01782 29400  E:

Step Up student blogs: Charlene

  • DSC_2215What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I wanted to make sure that I was making the right decision in returning to education. As the Step Up course is free to all, it has been a great confidence booster to ensure that I was doing the right thing without being thrown in at the deep end!”

  • How did you feel on the first day?

“I felt incredibly nervous and even had sleepless nights running up to the day. I am glad I stuck at it and didn’t let my nerves get the best of me”.

  • How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“It is so so different! There is a mass of support available and being in an older learning environment has been hugely beneficial. Being treated like an adult and not feeling stupid if I need help has been a huge plus”.

  • Is there anything you would have done differently looking back?

“No, not at all. I feel as though now is the right time for me to pursue a degree. I don’t think I would have stuck to university when I was younger”.

  • Has Step Up helped you in anyway, if so, what?

“Step Up has helped me to develop my writing style for degree level study. It has also been a great developmental experience and highlighted where I need to improve for the future. Also, knowing the campus and the university has made me feel less intimidated for September”.

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“My hopes and plans for the future is to complete my degree successfully whilst enjoying the journey at the same time. Longer term I want to ensure that I have both a successful and fulfilling career in a role I love”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link:

Step Up student blogs: Umehra

  • DSC_2207 (2)What motivated you to apply for Step Up?

“I wanted to apply for university as a mature student in order to gain a qualification, however I was uncertain of the process when doing this alone. I contacted the enquiries team at Staffordshire University and was invited to an open day where I met Ashley. I immediately felt at ease which gave me the confidence that university was a possibility. I then took the plunge and applied”.

  • How did you feel on the first day?

“I walked away after the first day feeling as though I had discovered so much about myself as a person. It was nice to see so many faces with similar goals. This made me feel so much better and happier that I was not alone”.

  • How did you find the teaching and support here at Staffordshire in comparison to past educational experiences?

“In the past I lacked attention, however the learning environment at university is so much different. The tutors are incredibly supportive and encourage active engagement; which has helped tremendously at keeping me motivated and my goal of degree study within reach”.

  • Is there anything you would have done differently looking back?

“I wish I had known about the Step Up to HE course sooner. I wasted so much time pondering and worrying that I would not fit in at university. This cannot be further from the truth now and I have met some friends in the process”.

  • Has Step Up helped you in anyway, if so, what?

“Step Up has given me a broad comprehension of what is required at degree level study. I am now able to think and write both critically and effectively whilst knowing how and where to research. In the process I have also discovered what support the university offers and also got to know my way around the campus before starting in September ”.

  • What are your hopes and plans for the future?

“I have already submitted my UCAS application to study Journalism at Staffordshire and since received a conditional offer on the basis that I complete Step Up successfully. I am confident with the on-going support that I will be able to achieve the award and pursue my dream of becoming influential within the sphere of broadcast journalism in the future”.

For more details on how to apply for the next intake of Step Up to HE follow the link: