
We conduct socially relevant research which has a positive impact on psychological health

At the Staffordshire Centre for Psychological Research we pride ourselves on the applied nature of the research work that we conduct. We are a vibrant community of psychologists with a clear focus on ensuring that our work has meaning for the academic community as well as for those whom we research, practitioners, policy makers and the wider public.

The Centre includes a large number of Early Career Researchers and a growing number of PhD students. We see both of these groups as a clear indication of Staffordshire University’s commitment to expanding and developing our already excellent research base. Indeed, we have a strong ethos of mentoring junior staff. This translates into an enthusiastic and committed group of people who are passionate about conducting research that is both meaningful and impactful.

We host regular Centre Meetings where our Academic Staff and Postgraduates meet to present their research and provide supportive feedback on work in progress. We also organise regular training events for our members as well as Writing Groups, Visiting Speaker Talks and a Psychology in the Pub series. The Centre provides opportunity for staff and postgraduate researchers to network, discuss and share their research findings.

In addition to our expertise in the more traditional methods of conducting research, we have a strong group of researchers who take an innovative creative approach to data collection using images, drawing, even sand trays (click here for our Methodological Expertise).

CfHP1The Home of Health Psychology

The Children’s Lab


Our Methodological Expertise


Our Laboratories & Resources

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