Supportive Mentoring for the Applied Research Team (SMART)

In this busy metricised academic world in which we live, it can be hard to make the time to think about research. With that in mind, the Staffs Centre for Psychological Research we have carved out a little space where we can get together over a coffee and chat about research:

  • research we’d like to do,
  • research we are struggling with,
  • research we want to write up
  • grants we want to chase
  • ensuring impact is a part of our research
  • building research into teaching
  • all other things ‘researchey’

There will never be a time that suits everyone, so we have picked a range of times in the hope that you will be able to come to some of the drop-ins.

There is no formal meeting agenda, just a supportive space where we can talk research, use the hive mind to solve problems and peer mentor one another. Upcoming dates (all on the TEAMS site).