Health Programme: 2013 Annual Workplan

Health Programme: 2013 Annual Work Plan Published 

The Annual Work Plan for 2013 for the Health Programme has been adopted.

The Work Plan lists the main priorities for 2013 and details which call will be published under the Health Programme. The Health Programme in the remit of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) and calls are managed by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC).

The main priorities for 2013 will be:

  • active and healthy ageing – focus on chronic diseases;
  • effective ways to invest in health – also health workforce;
  • patients’ rights and safety; and
  • advice and data, particularly on sustainable health systems.

The Work Plan will also support the implementation of legislation in the following areas:

  • safety and quality of tissues, cells and blood;
  • cross-border healthcare; and
  • pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Calls for proposals for projects, conferences and operating grants are due to be published by mid-December.

This is the last Work Plan under the current Health Programme, which is due to end in 2013. A new programme called “Health for Growth” is currently being developed and is due to run from 2014-2020.


If you are interested in this call please get in touch with the team at


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