FP7 People – Marie Curie Schemes – calls open

The Marie Curie schemes are funded under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) Specific Programme ‘People’. Its main objective is to strengthen the human potential in research and technology in Europe and to make Europe a more attractive place for researchers to work. A key focus of the ‘People’ programme therefore is to have a structuring effect throughout Europe on the organisation, performance and quality of research training, on the active career development of researchers, on knowledge-sharing through researchers between sectors and research organisations, and on strong participation by women in research and development.

See European Commission Marie Curie site http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/index_en.htm

The ‘People’ programme is implemented through a set of Marie Curie schemes, also known as actions, addressing researchers at all stages of their professional lives, from early-stage research training to lifelong training opportunities. They provide opportunities for individual researchers and organisations – universities, research institutes and companies – to develop their research skills and training capacity, by building on industrial and academic expertise within Europe and across the world, through staff exchanges, secondments, postgraduate and postdoctoral fellowships.

A key feature of the Marie Curie schemes is the ‘mobility’ requirement, and all fellows funded under the programme will be expected to undertake mobility from one country to another, subject to specific requirements for the different schemes. Please refer to the Work Programme for mobility requirements, and also the call documents for the different eligibility criteria.

1. The initial training of researchers –

This activity support the initial training of researchers, implemented through the Initial Training Networks (ITNs) scheme. The network applies for funding from the European Commission before recruiting researchers. Projects are based on a joint training programme, focused on the development and broadening of research competences , and complementary skills. Community support for ITNs will comprise:

  • the recruitment of early-stage and experienced researchers to be trained;
  • recruitment of ‘visiting scientists’ to transfer knowledge and strengthen ITN supervision;
  • the organisation of short training events (conferences, summer schools and specialised training courses), open to both trainees of the network and possibly to researchers from outside the network.
2. The life-long training and career development

This activity supports experienced researchers (having at least four years of full-time research experience or a PhD at the time of the deadline) at different stages of their careers. The aim is for career development, including greater independence as a researcher. This activity is implemented through the following actions:

This activity supports experienced researchers (having at least four years of full-time research experience or a PhD at the time of the deadline) at different stages of their careers. The aim is for career development, including greater independence as a researcher. This activity is implemented through the following actions:

  • Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development; closing date 14/08/13
  • Career Integration Grants for those looking to establish themselves in a research career in Europe;closing date 18/09/13
  • Co-funding of regional, national or international programmes is aimed at organisations which are funders of research.
3. Industry-academia partnerships and pathways

This activity will seek to open and foster dynamic pathways between public research organisations and private commercial enterprises, particularly SMEs. The Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) scheme aims to achieve this predominately by secondments between sectors and networking activities.

4. World fellowships

The career development of researchers from Member States and Associated Countries will be supported through the following schemes:

  • International Outgoing Fellowships brain circulation with mandatory return to Europe;closing date 14/08/13
  • International Incoming Fellowships to attract highly qualified third-country researchers to Member States and Associated Countries; closing date 14/08/13
  • International Research Staff Exchange Schemes are partnerships between research organisations in Europe and one or more organisations in countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy and countries with which the EU has an S&T Agreement.
5. Specific actions

In support of the creation of a genuine European labour market for researchers, a set of accompanying actions will be implemented, with a view to removing obstacles to mobility and to improve the public awareness of Marie Curie actions.

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