Youth in Action Programme (EU) Funding Opportunity

Youth in Action Programme

Opportunities for UK HEIs

The call is specifically addressed to people working in the youth sector, youth workers and youth leaders, young people themselves (aged between fifteen and twenty-eight years old) and other actors involved in youth organisations and structures. Applicants to the Programme must be non-profit organisations, including NGOs, public bodies at regional or local level and youth councils. HEIs are therefore eligible applicants in so far as they are public bodies. The Youth in Action Programme will not support stand alone education programmes, indeed activities performed as part of formal educational programmes at any level are not eligible for support. It may, however, support extra-curricular activities, such as volunteering and work experience. The following indicative list of activities is included in the call documentation:

 Large-scale youth events, seminars, conferences

 Activities encouraging the development of partnerships and networks

 Activities encouraging the policy dialogue in the field of youth

 Information and awareness campaigns in favour of and by young people

 Training and capacity-building of youth workers, youth organisations and multipliers

 Job-shadowing and long-term mobility for youth workers

 Technical Features

Partners: Must involve partners from 4 different countries (including, at least 1 from the EU 27 Member States and 1 more from the EU 27 or the EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) or pre-accession countries (Croatia; Turkey); plus 2 other partner countries1.

Project Duration: 6 to 12 months

Projects Commence: between 1 October and 31 December 2013

Grant Rate: Up to 80%

Maximum Grant Size: €100,000


Deadline for submission of applications: 14 May 2013

Announcement of selection results: August 2013

Projects commence: Earliest 1 October 2013 

Link to guidelines:


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