New funding opportunities with the NIHR PHR Programme

 Call for research proposals into smoking prevention – Open now

The following new commissioning briefs are now open for applications:

To support teams interested in applying to the smoking prevention briefs we will be holding a webinar at 10:00am on 29 May 2013.  If you are interested in participating please complete the application form available on our website by 3 May. Please note that places are limited.

The commissioning briefs, application deadlines and guidance notes can be found on our website.

Researcher-led call for proposals – Open now

The researcher-led workstream has now reopened for applications. Applicants can submit outline proposals at any time during the year, with three cut-off dates when applications will be considered by the Programme Advisory Board.

The next cut-off date for researcher-led applications is 30 July 2013 at 1pm.

In addition to our standard researcher-led call the PHR Programme encourages applications in the following areas:

Contact us
023 8059 9695



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