Sharing Knowledge with Industry, Businesses and Universities

This European pilot project is about sharing learning with students, HEI’s (including staff), business and industry, plus social and economic renewal. This fund is currently a one off. There is no supporting conference or partner search tool to go with it.

Funder: Directorate-General for Education and Culture, EU

Grant Title: Pilot projects for the development of knowledge partnerships and knowledge alliances

Fund Description: Projects should strengthen the role of higher education institutions as instruments of innovation and increase the employability, creativity and innovative potential of graduates, professors and company staff. Funding supports new learning and teaching methods, fostering entrepreneurial skills and attitudes and structured mobility. Higher education institutions, research institutes, training institutes and public and private large, medium or small companies, intermediaries and associations and national or regional organisations based in EU member states, may apply. Each partnership must include at least three different independent partners, established in a minimum of three different member states. Partnerships must include at least one higher education institution and one private company. Approximately three projects will be funded.

Amount Available: The budget for this call is €1 million. Grants are worth between €200,000 and €400,000 each and funding covers a maximum of 75 per cent of eligible costs over 12 to 18 months

Deadline: 28 June 2013


This page provides a quick overview of the call objectives and the concept

Anyone interested in bidding for this fund should let the External Projects Team know as we can support with the application process. Our team are very experienced in submitting European bids so we can smooth the way through EU jargon and  budgets.


The EU is looking for cover the following aims

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