Sport Based European Funding

Before the Erasmus for All Sports funding starts in 2014, it seems the European Commission wants to run  test projects. This is open for bids until 19 July.

Funding body: European Commission
Scheme: 2013 Preparatory Action: European Partnership on Sports
Overview: This call for proposals will support transnational projects put forward by public bodies or not-for-profit organisations in order to identify and test suitable networks and good practices in the field of sport, in three following areas:
(1) Strengthening of good governance and dual careers in sport through support for the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations.
(2) Protecting athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions.
(3) Promoting traditional European sports and games.
Projects must include at least five member states.
They expect to fund around 15 projects
Deadlines: 19 July 2013
Costs: The EU covers 80% of all eligible costs. There is no minimum or maximum amount to apply for, but projects are likely to be over €400,000

This type of project takes a large amount of work to develop. If there is not already a project idea and some partners in place, the team wouldn’t recommend applying for this round of funding. However, it is possible to identify organisations submitting bids with a view to being a project partner. A similar grant should be available in 2014 so this could provide the starting point to developing a bid for 2014.

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