COST open call: European Science Foundation

The European Science Foundation, through its European Cooperation in Science and Technology programme, has launched an open call for proposals. Funding supports networking activities, such as meetings, conferences, workshops, short-term scientific exchanges and outreach activities in the following domains:

•biomedicine and molecular biosciences;

•chemistry and molecular sciences and technologies;

•Earth system science and environmental management;

•food and agriculture;

•forests, their products and services;

•individuals, societies, cultures and health;

•information and communication technologies;

•materials, physics and nanosciences;

•transport and urban development.

Projects must include researchers from at least five COST countries.

Financial support for an action of 19 participating countries is in the range of €130,000 per year, normally for four years, subject to available budget. 

  • Closing date 27 Sep 2013
  • Deadline information Submissions due by 5pm Brussels time (GMT+1).


If you are interested in this flexible funding opportunity please contact


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