ARMA (Association of Research Manager Administrators) Annual Conference 2013

Jose Beech @ ARMA conference JUNE 2013

Jose Beech @ ARMA conference JUNE 2013


Jose Beech, External Grants Manager from the External Projects Team, led parallel session “505 The routes to funding success” on day 2 of this years National ARMA conference at Nottingham University. Margaret Bennett, External Projects Officer also attended to assist in facilitation. Over 55 people listened and participated in a interactive and insightful presentation on the barriers to successful funding and the strategies that can be implemented to encourage best practice.

The two day conference had a focus on “Strategies for Success” with 480 delegates attending daily plenary and parallel sessions. With over 2000 members ARMA has become an important voice for Research & Funding Managers, providing training, study tours and policy advice to HEFCE, BIS and RCUK.

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