Horizon 2020: Funding Deal Secured

After long negotiations a deal has finally been secured on Horizon 2020.

The Irish EU Presidency has announced that the Council and the European Parliament have finally come to an agreement on remaining outstanding issues and that a provisional deal has been secured. The deal is provisional as it still has to be endorsed by so-called Committee of Permanent Representatives in the Council. This should however be a formality.

One of the main stumbling blocks during the negotiations, the reimbursement model, has now been agreed. Horizon 2020 will operate according to the “simplification model”, so with one funding rate for all beneficiaries and a flat rate for indirect costs. The Parliament, which had been pushing for a full cost option until late into the negotiations, instead won some concessions on issues such as widening participation.

It would also appear that a deal was agreed on the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, with funding for Knowldge Innovation Communities in the areas of healthy living and active ageing, raw materials, food and added value manufacturing.

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