ESRC and ACCA sign a joint agreement

ESRC     ACCA - The global body for professional accountants

A Memorandum of Concordat (MoC) has been signed by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

The two organisations have worked in partnership over several years on a number of initiatives – such as diversity, pensions, social responsible investment and climate change and now the strategic agreement seals the relationship.

The concordat will be three years, from 1st of April 2013 to 31st of March 2016. To support the delivery of the Concordat, each organisation will make a sum of £50,000 available, annually. This will be used, by mutual agreement, to sponsor joint initiatives, provide research grant funding, and internship programmes, as well as other activities, under the terms and spirit of the Concordat.

For further information go to,1N3D8,9OEB28,5QF0B,1

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