Stacked CoinsEnterprise and Commercial Development still have funding available to encourage employer engagement, specifically work based learning, opportunities within the private sector.

If you are working with an employer to up skill their workforce and you have an opportunity to design new curriculum, modularise existing curriculum (accredited and non-accredited) or you are looking to develop a blended approach to delivery then we would love to hear from you.

Here are just a few examples of the projects we are already funding:

• Development of Distance Learning CIM Certificate and Diploma

• Development of CIM Diploma in Digital Marketing both face-to-face & distance  learning

• Negotiated MSc in Film

• Adapting and accrediting End of Life Care modules

• Technical Certificate for Housing Officers with Housing Plus

For more details please contact Jodie Cataldo at but don’t leave it too late as time is running out quickly – funding must be committed by December 2013.

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