Where can I find legal sources, the cases, statutes and other precedents?

I think it was George IV who wisely observed that ‘Lawyers don’t know any more law than anybody else – but they know where to find it.’ Or words to that effect. In light of the above, I would recommend (for a general browse of the substantive law related to Universities etc) using the following resources:

For Staffordshire University staff on the University website, go to the Library page:

(the URL is: http://eresources.staffs.ac.uk/eresources/mainindex.htm) click on the eResources icon for Articles and Databases, click on Business Law, and choose (logging in via Athens) either ‘Lexis Nexis’ Legal Resources service or ‘Lawtel’. The search facility for both is very broad, with the ability to search case names, statutes, or search phrases to narrow the field of enquiry.

For general searches on the web:

Google name searching for the case often provides the full citation (the case reference to track the case down in the law library) – the library (containing books) being the main legal resource available in the reign of George IV). However, in the 21st century we can now track the authority down via the Bailii website (see previous Blog) or via other sites such as the UK Supreme Court website etc, depending on the identity of the Court that gave Judgment.

The law (barring a few practice areas – such as Employment law perhaps) is now much more physically accessible since George IVth’s day – who was limited, and mildly frustrated by the look of it, in having to rely upon legal advisers who knew their way around the Inn library. It is now much easier for all (subject to access to the Internet) to know ‘where to find’ the law and have a general browse.

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