LEP Challenge Sessions

You may have seen a previous blog about the Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire LEP area being given an indicative allocation of €161.6m for the next EU funding phase 2014 – 2020.  This allocation is to cover ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), ESF (European Social Fund) and EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) priorities. Over the next few weeks the LEP is running a series of stakeholder challenge sessions to explore and define key elements to be included in their preparing a European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy, which will plan for how the €161.6m will be spent here in Staffordshire.

The following sessions have been arranged to date:

  • Business Development – Wednesday 7th August, 3:30 pm Staffordshire University
  • Sectors & Innovation – Friday 9th August, 9:30 am Keele Sustainability Hub
  • Inward Investment – Friday 16th August, 2:00 pm Staffordshire place 1
  • Skills – Monday 9th September, 9:30 am Rodbaston College
  • Quality of Life / Sites & Infrastructure – Wednesday 11th September, 2:00 pm CoRE

We are keen to get appropriate unviersity representation at these events, please contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk if you would like to attend.

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