Call for Tenders: Study on Doping Prevention

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Youth and Sport Directorate, has published a call for tenders for a study on doping prevention.
The study has the following objectives:
  • to map, describe and analyse existing approaches to doping prevention in recreational sports, the extent that theory and practice can be ascertained from literature and to show how findings differ from one EU Member State to another;
  • to map, describe and analyse the extent to which national anti-doping organisations (NADOs) are involved in doping prevention in recreational sports, highlighting the links (or absence of links) between NADOs and other organisations involved in prevention work;
  • to map, describe and analyse the differences between Member States’ legal, administrative and political arrangements governing the fight against doping (including the status, role and autonomy of sports organisations and the presence or absence of anti-doping laws) and efforts currently undertaken to promote doping prevention in recreational sports;
  • to put forward proposals and recommendations regarding doping prevention in recreational sports, how these could usefully be promoted via initiatives taken at EU level, bearing in mind the distribution of powers, roles and resources between the EU, Member States, the sport movement and other potentially relevant actors.

Deadline: 27 September 2013