Exploratory Research Grants – Low Income Countries


Private Enterprise Development in Low Income Countries (PEDL) and Centre for Economic Policy Research have Exploratory Grants between £10,000 – £35,000 available to promote research in the following four research themes:

  • Modelling market frictions in LICs using newly available data
  • Understanding how constraints interact using micro-founded macro models
  • The dynamics of SMEs: Informality and entrepreneurship
  • The role of export-oriented industries in driving growth

Proposals should inform policy and support researchers to explore new approaches to the study of firms in low-income-countries (LICs) and develop sources of data on firms in LICs.  Cross cutting themes encouraged include fragile and conflict affected states, gender and climate, environment and social compliance.

The deadline for bid submission is 30th September.  Further details: http://pedl.cepr.org/content/exploratory-research-grants-0