Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020

Creative Europe: support programme for Europe’s cultural and creative sectors from 2014

Culture Programme

Following a recent seminar attended by the External Projects Team here is an outline of the new Creative Europe Programmme

Calls will be issued in late 2013, with deadlines in early 2014; there is a networking event in Brussels November 4th-6th 2013, with the opportunity to present project ideas and meet potential partners.

The new Creative Europe programme brings together 3 current programmes (Culture – MEDIA – MEDIA Mundus) 

Specific Culture Objectives are to

  • Strengthen the sectors’ capacity to operate transnationally;
  • Promote the transnational circulation of works and operators and reach new audiences in Europe and beyond
  • Strengthen the sectors’ financial capacity
  • Strengthen policy making

 ‘Creative Europe’ – Culture Strands will cover

  • Transnational cooperation projects
  • European networks
  • Literary translation
  • European “platforms” with a structuring effect

For the Creative and Cultural Sectors – the proposed budget of €1,462.7 million for 2014-2020 is a 9% increase on current levels, with a new financial facility for bank loans to the sector – funding is based on 50% match funding.

For a free monthly newsletter with updated information on the Creative Europe Programme –  register via 

If you are interested in this programme – please contact the team

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