Funding opportunities for ICT research

The ICT Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and the ICT National Contact Point are organising a half day event at Aston University to promote forthcoming opportunities for funding from the Horizon 2020 programme. Horizon 2020 is the new European Commission funding programme for research, technological development and innovation. 

This event will provide an overview of the funding available and importantly the range of support in place to help people benefit from these opportunities. ICT is a fundamental part of Horizon 2020 in both addressing new ICT developments and developing the use of ICT to support societal challenges.  Access to finance schemes are also available to support innovation in SMEs.

The event is being held on 20th November at 12:30.  Registration is available at If you are unable to attend, please contact for feedback. The event flyer can be viewed by clicking here H2020 ICT event flyer November 2013

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