Travel Funding for US, Brazil, Mexico,Thailand and more

British Council has funding for Early Career Researchers to travel to nineteen countries across the world for up to three months. This is part of the British Council Research Links Scheme. Funding can also include a partner country visiting the UK.

Different countries have different priority areas and these can be found in the guidelines. If no priority areas are specified, all research areas are covered.

The countries involved at this stage are; Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, South Africa, Nigeria, Russia (Humanities and Social Sciences only), Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam and Bangladesh. For this call placements involving the United States are also eligible, in specific areas which focus on using the humanities and social sciences in an interdisciplinary environment.

Deadline 23:59 GMT 24th November 2013

Guidelines and further information are on the British Council Website


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About Holly Hoar

I am the Development Officer (Research & Funding) in Research, Business and Employability Services. The Research team provides information to University staff on external funding, partners, and innovation activities. The team works with researchers and academic staff to help diversify income for Staffordshire University. Our Research and Funding Blog contains information on funding opportunities and the activities of the team. See my staff profile here