Joseph Rowntree Foundation: current calls for research

Joseph Rowntree Foundation – current research funding calls

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has a number of current calls for their areas of social policy focus, which are:  poverty, place and an aging society; all these can be found here:

Here are two examples of current calls:

A redistribution of societal risk: the impact on individuals, their networks and communities

This call is for an analysis of current and recent policy and evidence to assess the effects that recent changes in the redistribution of societal risk have had on people’s lives and relationships, particularly those that will have significant implications in our ageing society.

JRF are interested in assessing the cumulative impact of these shifts on individual lives, and the knock-on effects of them on others (e.g. family members) in the directly affected person’s network. They also want to look at the risks of redistributing responsibility for community resources – what are the effects on individuals, their personal networks and communities?

The budget for this project is up to £40,000 (including VAT and expenses).

Closing date 27th November

Evaluating the impact of digital inclusion and social media initiatives in east York

This call is for proposals for a formative evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives and the use of social media in supporting community development at Derwenthorpe and the surrounding communities of east York.

The budget for this project is up to £35,000 (including VAT if applicable) to include all work and any necessary expenses.

Closing date 27th November

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