Visualising research workshop: January 24th 2014 – London


Event Date: 24/01/2014
Event Location: British Library
Visualising Research: bringing public data to life

Can you present complex data to tell a compelling story that anyone will be able to understand?

The AHRC are inviting designers, graphic artists, software developers, programmers and anyone with an interest in data visualisation to enter the ‘Visualising Research’ competition and produce images that will show how this public funding contributes to research in the UK.

This workshop is for anyone considering entering the competition who wants some inspiration, information about the Gateway to Research database and to meet potential collaborators. Representatives from the AHRC and BBSRC will be there on the day, as well as data visualisation evangelists (Guardian Digital Agency) and developers (Cottage Labs) who have worked with the data.

There is no charge for the workshop and lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please sign up by 15 January 2014 as places are limited (opens in new window).

You do not have to attend the workshop to enter the competition. Entry forms will be available from the ‘Visualising Research’ website on 27 January 2014; the competition closes on 21 March 2014 (opens in new window).

 Every year the seven Research Councils, funded by UK tax payers, spend around £3 billion on research that improves lives and the world around us. Research Council funds are awarded on the basis of applications made by researchers, which are subject to independent, expert peer review. Applications are judged by considering a combination of factors, including their scientific excellence, timeliness and promise, strategic relevance, economic and social impacts, industrial and stakeholder relevance value for money and staff training potential.

Key data from the seven Research Councils are now available from one place – Gateway to Research – enabling anyone to interrogate grants awarded, publications, people and organisations.

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